
Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Camiguin Bay as taken from the shore of Brgy. Balatubat of Camiguin de Babuyanes Island

This October 3 to November 4, 2003 trip has started when my Batanes Trip ended. As soon as I arrived in Laoag City from a Basco flight, I boarded a bus going to Allacapan town of Cagayan province right after crossing the Golden Gate like bridge of Magapit for five (5) hours bus travel. From there, I boarded a jeepney going to Aparri town for 50 minutes. I did not have itinerary then. I just asked PNB Aparri Branch personnel how to go to Camiguin Island of Babuyan. Since it was already 5:00 P.M., I just bought for food and other necessities which I felt I need in my forthcoming trip. Then, I checked in at Room 407 of St. Patrick Garden Hotel for an overnight. While in my room, I have been texting Joms Acebes, an acquaintance in Uganda for some queries about Camiguin Island including a referral for my accommodation which she advised me to stay with Juanita "Awit" Llopis.

The long stretch of white beach of Naguillian away from Brgy. Balatbat

Babuyan Island Group is consist of five (5) major islands, namely: Babuyan Claro, Fuga, Dalupiri, Camiguin and its capital Calayan. So, when I arrived in Camiguin, I stayed with my host couple Leopoldo “Luding” and Awit Llopis in Brgy. Balatubat. They have four children, namely: Apple, Junjun, Imee and Michael. This is my most major vacation in terms of length of time for one month. Aside from climbing its highest peak of Mt. Camiguin at 712 meters or 2,336 feet above sea level. Since, Awit is closely associated with the parish church, I became close also with the missionary Dominican priest in Camiguin in the name of Fr. Oscar "Auckhs" Enjaynes who served as the Director then of the Lyceum of Camiguin High School. He is the lead guitarist of the Inggo 1587 Band who is composed of four (4) Dominican priests and by then the Director of Lyceum of Camiguin. Being close to them, I was inspired attending the evening Black Rosary and the holy masses. With this, I had the opportunity to know the townfolks in the personal level. I have been close also with the parish priest of Camiguin's St. Vincent Ferrer Parish church in the name of Fr. Ogie C. Quirao, OP.

The picture was taken in Pinon Islet with the backdrop of Camiguin de Babuyanes Island

Together with Fr. Auckhs, Awit Llopis, Jojo Delubio, Joshua, Noring Asaja, Titoy Alejo, Elvis Nanay, Ricky Aguinaldo, Salvador Asaja and Jerry Mendoza, we had a picnic and swimming in Siship Hot Spring in the Mararag Point on October 8, 2003. This is quite a unique hot spring in the sense that it opens in the seashore and its source comes from the neighboring volcano of Mount Camiguin. We stayed long in the beach to take advantage of the presence of the hot sea water. The same group also landed in the beautiful Pinon Islet just opposite Manguilinguitit Point and Magasasuc Bay and cruised toward the opposite side in the scenic Pamuctan Island. My favorite spot in Camiguin is the Naguillian Beach which is a 3-kilometer of serene, white and powdery sand beach. It could rival Boracay of its beauty and the good thing is that, it is an undisturbed beach with no tourists going there except me who always spend then my solitude on its fine white powdery white beach.

With me in the picture is Fr. Oscar "Auckhs" Enjaynes, OP at the center and Awit Llopis in orange shirt

On the other hand, I also stayed in Sitio Morol of Brgy. Minabel in Camiguin in the house of Edelberto Estorba for the period October 18 to 26, 2003. Together with us was Edel's scholar, Norberto "Simpling" Aguinaldo. Simpling is a Grade VI student of Edel. His classmates Zaldy Baloloy and handsome 15-year old Roland Aguillon used to sleep in Edel's house. Morol is an 8-hour trek from Brgy. Balatubat. Fortunately, I visited Morol with the company of the students from Lyceum of Camiguin who are also living there, namely: Rosa Pedronan, Michel Antonio, Raymund Irice, Arnold Antonio and Vergel Antonio. It was on October 25, 2003 that Vergel, Edel and I had an spelunking in Diapon Cave located in Sitio Diapon just near Vergel's house. I also visited the nearby fishing village of scenic Panan. My life in Sitio Morol was quite memorable. I also enjoyed having videoki almost every night in Edel's house and watching movies since Edel has an electric generator. Other than that, my life in Morol was so basic and simple and enjoyed the company of the elementary pupils of Morol Elementary School. In fact, I had spent few of my days teaching dance lessons for the pupils as requested by the teachers of the school. When I returned to Barangay Balatubat, I joined the company of Michel Antonio, Gladys Pedronan, Selma Antonio, Rowena Corpuz, Gina Antonio, Allyn Corpuz, Juvelyn Antonio and Vergel Antonio.


  1. good post:)I heard, that in the western part of Camiguin very warm water. And also here is bad smell because of volcanos... did you go there?)

  2. Yes, I have been to the western part of the island of Camiguin through trekking because I stayed from the other side of the island. Maybe you are referring to Didicas Volcano. I just love the whole island, I was able to visit a couple of caves also and climbed Mount Camiguin. I stayed in the island for 43 days.
