
Sunday, April 26, 2020


Updated as of my last climb in Mount Masaraga dated July 6-7, 2024.

I had started climbing since May 1,1998 in Mount Banahaw de Tayabas. I found that experience very difficult then, but after the climb, I decided that I will engage myself in more climbing activities. This is the very reason why I applied for a membership in Philippine National Bank (PNB) Mountaineering Club in this same year. By then, I was still employed in PNB which I worked for 9 solid years. I considered it as the golden years of my mountaineering activities. I continued climbing to date and this post summarizes all the mountains I had climbed already in the order of highest elevation to lowest elevation. Some of the posts have separate individual post in this blog already and I provided the link but a few were not documented in this blog.  On the other hand, some entries here have my Youtube channel link at Language, Travel & Beyond Vlogs

Note:Thanks to Pinoy Mountaineer website for the basic information adapted in this post.

1.  Mount Kinabalu  (highest peak of Malaysia and Borneo)

The Low's Peak - The Summit at 4,095 MASL

The the trail after the 8.5 kilometer marker heading to the summit

Just 50 meters heading to the summit

Location: Ranau District, West Coast Division of Sabah, Malaysia
Entry point: Timpohon Gate of Kinabalu National Park at 1,866 MASL (6,122 feet), Sabah, Malaysia
Exit point: Same (backtrail)
Elevation: 4,095 MASL (13,435 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 2 Days / 7-8 hours
Specs: Major climb, Difficulty 6/9, Trail Class 1-4 (8.5 kilometers)
Features: The highest mountain in Southeast Asia.  The etymology for the word "kinabalu" is "kina" means China and "balu" means widow.  This pertains to the tale of a Chinese widow where a royal prince from China went to this place in Borneo and fell in love with a native.  However, he returned to China and he was not allowed by his royal family to go back, thus, the native girl waited for her in this mountain all her life to see if his ship is coming back.  On the physical aspect, the mountain has manicured trail consisting of wooden stairs and in some point at the plateau heading to the summit, the trail is guided by strong rope.  The trail is consist of endless assaults cutting through a forested area.  Waiting sheds and comfort rooms are available in an interval of 1 kilometer.  At an elevation of 3,272.7 MASL, there is a modern hotel called Laban Rata with comfortable accommodation and buffet meals equipped with water dispenser of cold, normal temperature and the hot water.  This is where guests sleep overnight in preparation for an assault to the summit the following day to start at 2:00 A.M.  From Timpohon Gate to the summit is measured at 9 kilometers. From the hotel to Sayat-sayat hut (3,810 MASL), there is a checkpoint wherein trekkers have to reach there at 5:30 A.M. and beyond this time, no one is allowed to scale to the summit.  From Sayat-sayat to the summit is a massive plateau with no vegetation growing, thus, it is open.  Though, it is very cold in this part of the mountain.
Blogpost link

2. Yushan or Mount Jade  (highest peak of Taiwan)

The summit marker at 3,952 MASL

The summit packed with climbers for picture taking

The challenging trail towards the summit

The manicured trail of Yushan

Location: Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Entry point: Tataka Trailhead (2,610 MASL), Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Exit point: Tataka Trailhead, Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Elevation: 3,952 MASL (12,966 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 2 Days / 8-10 hours
Specs: Major climb, Difficulty 6/9, Trail Class 1-3
Features: The trails are manicured like it makes the climb easier by providing bridges, metal and wooden stairs from Tataka trailhead to Paiyun Lodge, though beyond the lodge which is heading to the summit the trail is challenging as it so steep and massive rocky slopes.  Forests cover the trail, but not till to the summit where rocks could be loose, steep and the temperature is cold,  Climbers are accommodated overnight at Paiyun Lodge at an elevation of 3,402 MASL.
Blogpost link

3. Xueshan or Snow Mountain  (Second highest mountain of Taiwan)

At the summit of Xueshan at 3,886 MASL

Heading to the summit

Heading to the summit along trail filled with snow

The start of the trail with snow

Location: Heping District, Taichung, Taiwan
Entry point: Wuling Farm Trailhead, Shei-pa National Park, Heping District, Taichung, Taiwan
Exit point: Wuling Farm Trailhead, Shei-pa National Park, Heping District, Taichung, Taiwan
Elevation: 3,886 MASL (12,749 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 2 Days / 7-9 hours
Specs: Major climb, Difficulty 6/9, Trail Class 1-3
Features: The trails are relatively easy covered with pine forest heading to Qika Cabin which is 2 kilometers from the trailhead. Climbers can stay overnight at the Qika Cabin and the following day is a whole day to the summit and back to the trailhead.  The trailhead is 2,140 MASL (7,021 feet) from the registration site and the total number of kilometers to the summit is 10.9 kilometers. From Qika Cabin to the top of Sanliujiu (369 Hut) are open trails of scenic mountain slopes of gradual elevation.  Then, follows the thick forest of Taiwan Mountain Ash Trees (Sorbus Randaiensi) and Black Forest and Crown Shyness Trees.  Then, it opens up to the Glacial Cirque which is an open trail heading to the summit filled with snow.
Blogpost link

4.  Mount Fuji (highest peak of Japan)

A torii gate near the summit

While at our lodge in Setokan Hut (6th Station) enjoying the view after sunset at 7:00 P.M. 
to an elevation of 2,700 MASL

This is the jump-off point of Subashiri Trail with an elevation of 2,000 MASL

Still at the Subashiri Trail jump-off point

Location: Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park in Yamanashi, Shizuoka & Kanagawa Prefectures, Japan
Entry point: Subashiri Trail 5th Station, Oyama Town, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan (2,000 MASL)
Exit point: Yoshida Trail, Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen-Jinja, Japan (2,300 MASL)
Elevation: 3,776 MASL (12,388 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 2 Days / 7-10 hours
Specs: Major climb, Difficulty 5/9, Trail Class 1
Features: The highest mountain of the Japan consist of four trails:  Yellow - Yoshida Trail (Yamanishi Prefecture ) with Trailhead Fuji-Subaru Line 5th Station; Red - Subashiri Trail (Shizuoka Prefecture); Green - Gotemba (Shizuoka Prefecture); and Blue - Fujinomiya Trail (Shizuoka Prefecture).  The trail we preferred was the Subashiri Trail where from its jump-off point towards Setokan Hut at 2,700 MASL, our lodge for overnight, has 90% of the trail is covered with Hinoki Cypress and southern Japanese Hemlock with two viewdecks overlooking Lake Yamanakako.  The trail along this line is well-defined making it easy for the trekkers to strut on it.  From Setokan Hut, is 5-6 hours trek with an open trail mostly loose volcanic soil where it makes difficult to walk and is lined with ropes as trail guide.   There are still a number of lodges aside from Setokan while heading to the summit offering water and other cold/hot drinks, hot noodles and there is even a post office near the summit.  All lodges have clean comfort rooms.  In descending, we opted to have Yoshida trail, and it was a zigzag trail of loose volcanic soil.  It leads to the 5th Station where buses are available for transport to Tokyo for about 3 hours. 
Blogpost linkMount Fuji Climb

5.  Mount Apo  (the highest peak in the Philippines)

Standing with the background of Lake Venado at 2,195 MASL elevation (7,201 feet).  It is the second highest lake in the Philippines next to Bulalacao Lake of Mount Tabayoc

The sulfuric vent or fumaroles at the summit of Mount Apo

Location: Kidapawan, Northern Cotabato, Philippines
Entry point: Brgy. Ilomavis, Kidapawan City
Exit point: Brgy. Ilomavis, Kidapawan City
Elevation: 2956 MASL (9,698 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 4 days / 12 hours
Specs: Major climb, Difficulty 7/9, Trail Class 3
Features: The highest mountain of the Philippines and with multiple peaks
Blogpost link: Mount Apo Climb

6. Mount Dulang-Dulang (the second highest peak in the Philippines)

Enjoying the mossy forest of Mount Dulang-dulang

Location: Lantapan, Bukidnon
Major Jump-off: Sitio Bol-ogan, Brgy. Songco, Lantapan, Bukidnon (Ideal)
Exit point: Sitio Bol-ogan, Brgy. Songco, Lantapan, Bukidnon
Elevation: 2,938 MASL (9,649 feet)
Days Required/Hours to Summit: 2 days/9-10 hours
Specs: Major Climb, Difficulty 6/9, Trail Class 2-4
Specs (Traverse): Major climb, Difficulty 8/9, Trail class 2-4 with roped segments
Features: The second highest mountain in the Philippines and with mossy forest
Blogpost link: Mount Dulang-Dulang Climb

7. Mount Pulag (the third highest peak in the Philippines)

The spectacular sea of clouds in Mount Pulag

Location: Provinces of Benguet, Ifugao and Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines
Entry point: Babadac Ranger's Camp
Exit point: Babadac Ranger's Camp
Elevation: 2922 MASL (9,586 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 3 days / 3.5 hours
Specs: Major climb, Level III, Strenuous, Level of Difficulty 3/9; Trail Class 1-2
Features: The third highest mountain in the Philippines and the highest in Luzon as it is dubbed to be the "Roof of Luzon"
Blogpost link: Mount Pulag Climb

8. Mount Kitanglad  (the fourth highest peak in the Philippines)

A communication facility at Mount Kitanglad's summit

Location: Between Malaybalay City and the municipalities of Lantapan, Impasug-ong, Sumilao and Libona
Major Jump-off: Sitio Intavas, La Fortuna, Impasug-ong, Bukidnon
Exit Point: Traversed to Mount Dulang-Dulang
Elevation: 2,899 MASL (9,521 feet)
Days Required/Hours to Summit: 2 days/6-7 hours (Ideal)
Specs: Major Climb, Difficulty 6/9, Trail class 2-4
Features: It is the fourth highest mountain in the Philippines and an inactive volcano located in the Kitanglad Mountain Range.
Blogpost link: Mount Kitanglad Climb

9. Mount Maagnaw (the 8th highest Mountain of the Philippines)

Taken from Mount Maagnaw summit with the backdrop of Mount Kitanglad (left) and Langkayugan Ridge (right) heading to Mount Dulang-Dulang

The densely covered forest trail of Mount Maagnaw

The "Ritual" and the breakfast

Location: Municipality of Lantapan, Bukidnon, Philippines
Major Jump-off: Sitio Maliwanag, Brgy. Kibangay, Lantapan, Bukidnon, Philippines
Exit Point: Traversed to Mount Dulang-Dulang
Elevation: 2,742 MASL (8,996 feet)
Days Required/Hours to Summit: 2 days/5-6 hours (Ideal)
Specs: Major Climb, Difficulty 9/9, Trail class 3-5
Features: It is consist of endless cardiac assaults, trails varies from open, grassy, cogon, and mossy forest. From its summit can be viewed the Langkayugan Ridge which connects Mount Maagnaw to Mount Dulang-dulang and of course the totality of Mount Dulang-dulang and Mount Kitanglad.  Mount Maagnaw is a part of coined name of KD2LM climb which stands for Mount Kitanglad, Mount Dulang-dulang, Langkayugan Ridge and Mount Maagnaw.
Blogpost link

10. Mount Timbak  or Singakalsa (the 9th highest peak in the Philippines)

Location: Atok, Benguet, Philippines
Entry and Exit Points:  Sitio Timbak, Barangay Cattubo, Atok, Benguet
Elevation: 2,717 MASL (8,914 feet)
Days Required/Hours to Summit: 1 day / 25 - 35 minutes
Specs:  Minor Climb; Difficulty - 2/9; Trail Class 1
Features:  The third highest mountain in Luzon and the 9th highest peak in the Philippines.  It has open trails on its sides planted with local crops like potatoes, cabbage, carrots, lettuce and different varieties of flowers and cactus.  From its 360 degrees viewpoint, rice terraces and other mountains can be viewed on their most splendid beauty.  Sea of clouds can also be viewed depending on the months of visit according to our local guide.  It is the most easiest climb I ever had since from the jump-off point has approximately 468 MASL or 1,535 feet to climb or scale with heading to the summit. 

11.  Mount Amuyao (10th highest mountain of the Philippines)

Taken at the summit after sunrise at 6:45 A.M. of Day 2

Taken at the summit at 5:14 P.M. in Day 1

Our Rabas Team of Win Calleja taken at the summit at 8:38 A.M. before descent

Location: Municipality of Barlig, Mountain Province, Philippines
Major Jump-off: Sitio Macalana, Barlig, Mountain Province, Philippines
Exit Point: Sitio Macalana, Barlig, Mountain Province, Philippines (backtrail)
Elevation: 2,702 MASL (8,865 feet)
Total Elevation Gain: 1,300 Meters
Days Required/Hours to Summit: 2 days/5-6 hours (Ideal)
Specs: Major Climb, Difficulty 6/9, Trail class 3
Features: Its trail commence with rice fields and terraces; with pine forest, mossy forest, with knife edge, cardiac assaults at Monkelat trails; it has highland grass and orchids; both sunset and sunrise can be viewed from the summit; the summit has bunkhouses with limited bed with no mattresses; the summit also houses ABS-CBN radio tower and relay stations; and it has three mountain zones, to include: tropical moist forest (1,600 - 1,800 MASL), tropical premontane wet forest (1,801 - 2400 MASL and tropical montane forest (2,400 - 2,702).
Blogpost link

12. Mount Napulauan (15th highest mountain in the Philippines)

                    My induction as a full pledged member of PNB Mountaineering Club

Trekking the trails along the picturesque terraces

The trail overlooking the neighboring mountains and lowlands

Location: Hungduan, Ifugao, Philippines
Major jump-offs: Poblacion and Brgy. Hapao, Hungduan
Elevation: 2,642 MASL (8,668 feet)
Hours to summit / Days required: 9 hours / 2-3 days
Specs: Major climb, Difficulty 7/9, Trail class 3
Features: It has magical mossy forest and being considered to have trails which are most challenging in the Cordilleras.

13. Mount Halcon (18th highest mountain in the Philippines)

While at the Diving Board at Mount Halcon's summit

Heading to Camp 1 of Mount Halcon

Enjoying the refreshing river of Dulangan River where we camped for an overnight

The  "Ladder" which marks the final assault leading to the summit

Location: Baco, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines
Major jumpoff: Brgy. Lantuyan, Baco, Oriental Mindoro
Alternate jumpoff: Brgy. Bayanan, Baco, Oriental Mindoro
Elevation: 2582 MASL (8,471 feet) Days required / Hours to summit: 3.5-4 days / 15-18 hours
Specs: Major climb, Difficulty 9/9, Trail class 2-4
Features: The most death defying climb in the Philippines with a number of river crossings, multiple water falls, mossy forests, rocky ridges and the most infested mountain with limatiks

14. Mount Kanlaon (27th highest mountain in the Philippines)

A closer glimpse of Margaja Valley or Caldera Crater Lake of Mount Kanlaon

Location: Negros Occidental, Philippines
Entry point: Guintubdan, Ara-al, La Carlota City
Exit point: Guintubdan, Ara-al, La Carlota City
Elevation: 2,434 MASL (7,989 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit:2 days / 8-10 hours
Specs: Major climb, Difficulty 8/9, Trail Class 4
Features: Mount Kanlaon ranks 6th among the TOP TEN "TOURIST GEMS" of the Philippines. It is the highest mountain in Visayas and is considered to be the Philippines largest active volcano.
Blogspot link: Mount Kanlaon Climb

15. - 21. Mount Purgatory (The 7-Mountain Climb)

The mossy forest on my way to Mount Komkompol in Mount Purgatory multiple summit

Location: Bokod, Benguet, Philippines
Entry point: Japas, Bobok-Bisal, Bokod, Benguet
Exit point: Sitio Pethal, Brgy. Ekip, Bokod, Benguet

  15.  Mount Mangagew (Mangakew) - 1,705 MASL

Mount Mangagew summit

  16.  Mount Pack - 2,290 MASL

At the summit of Mount Pack

17.  Mount Purgatory - 2,100 MASL

While at the summit of Mount Purgatory

18.  Mount Bakian

The homestay accommodation at Mount Bakian

19.  Mount Tangbaw - 2, 200 MASL

Experiencing a refreshing scenery at Mount Tangbaw summit

20.  Mount Komkompol - 2,325  MASL

Magnificent overlooking scenery from atop Mount Komkompol summit

21.  Mount Tinengan

Enjoying a chilling moment at Mount Tinengan summit

Days required / Hours to summit: 2 days / 4-5 (Pack); 5-7 (Purgatory); 9-11 (Komkompol)
Specs: Major climb, Difficulty 6/9, Trail class 1-3
Features: Pine forests, mossy forests, Views of Benguet mountains: Pulag, Ugo, Salingsing, Timbak, Sto. Tomas. It is consist of multiple peaks
Blogspot link: Mount Purgatory Climb

22. Mount Banahaw

The crater as viewed from the Ikalawang Durungawan (Second Window)

Location: Dolores, Quezon Province, Philippines
Major jump-off: Brgy. Kinabuhayan, Dolores
Elevation: 2,158 MASL (7,080 feet)
Days required /Hours to summit: Level 2-3 days / 6-7 hours
Specs: Major climb, Difficulty 5/9, Trail class 3
Features: It has three windows or they call it "Tatlong Durungawan" and from all these the mountain's crater can be viewed. For some, it is considered as sacred mountain where pilgrims visit here during Lenten season.
Blogspot link: Mount Banahaw Climb

23. Mount Ugo

Approaching the summit of Mount Ugo

Location: Nueva Vizcaya and Benguet, Philippines
Jump-off points: Kayapa, N. Vizcaya; Brgy. Tinongdan, Itogon, Benguet
Elevation: 2,150 MASL (7,054 feet)
Days required / hours to summit: 2-3 days, 9-10 hrs
Specs: Major climb, Difficulty 5/9, Trail Class 1-3
Features: Pine forests, highland villages, views of Cordillera peaks. It has trails of multiple cardiac assaults and long and flat treks
Blogpost link: Mount Ugo Climb

24.  Mount Banahaw de Tayabas

Location:   Tayabas, Quezon, Philippines
Major jump-off: Brgy. Lalo, Tayabas, Quezon,  Philippines
Elevation:  2,085 MASL (6,841 feet)
Days required /Hours to summit:  2 days / 9 -11 hours
Specs: Major climb, Difficulty 7/9, Trail Class 1-4
Features:  Thick and mossy forest, water falls, dried Hasaan River, with continuous but gradual ascending trails with occasional flat trails to few challenging steep ascents and descents. 

25. Mount Guiting-Guiting

Descending the death defying heights of the Peak of Deception

Another picturesque captured trail descent

Location: Sibuyan Island, Romblon, Philippines
Entry point: Sitio Olango, San Fernando, Sibuyan Island
Exit point: Brgy. Tampayan, Madgiwang, Sibuyan Island
Elevation: 2058 MASL (6,751 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit:3 days / 18 hours
Specs: Major climb, Difficulty 10/9 (until 12/2009), Trail: Class 6
Features: One of the three most death-defying mountains to climb in the Philippines. It has three peaks and long walk over knife edge.
Blogpost link: Mount Guiting-Guiting Climb

26. Mount Tapulao

Enjoying at this "World Tree" at Mount Tapulao summit

Location: Palauig, Zambales, Philippines
Major jump-off: Sitio Dampay, Brgy. Dampay-Salaza, Palauig, Zambales
Elevation: 2037 MASL/6,682 feet above sea level
Days required / Hours to summit:1-2 days / 6-12 hours
Specs: Major climb, Difficulty 6/9, Trail Class 1-3
Features: Its trail is dotted with with Chromite stones making it difficult to trek. The West Philippine Sea can be viewed at the summit.
Blogspot link: Mount Tapulao Climb

27.  Mount Nentingle (Part of  Bauko 7 Peaks Climb)

Location:  Bauko, Mountain Province, Philippines
Jump-off Point:  Sitio Junction, Purok Naboa, Brgy. Bagnen Proper, Bauko
Alternate Jump-off Point: Sitio Mocgo, Brgy. Bila, Bauko
Elevation:  1,985 MASL (6,512.47 feet)
Days Required / Hours to Summit:  1 day / 1 - 1/2 hours
Specs:  Major Climb; Difficulty 5/9; Trail Class 1-3 & 5
Features:  The highest of the 7 peaks of Bauko Climb. From Bagnen proper as its jump-off point, it starts with the easy and scenic Spanish Trail. Then, it turns right in a junction away from the trail heading to Mangasil.  It also passes through the junction heading to Mount Kapowao where in a few minutes, it cuts through a deep descent and gradually opens up to a densely forested area.  From the abyss of this descent, it will lead  to a sharp ascent towards its summit with feasting "limatiks" on a heavy concentration.  Its summit offers a 360 degrees scenery overlooking the municipalities of Sagada, Bontoc, Baukto, Tadian and Sabangan.

28.  Mount Isarog via Goa Trail 

Location:  Goa, Camarines Sur, Bicol Region
Jump-off Point:  Brgy. Aroro Goa, Camarines Sur
Elevation: Approximately 1,966 MASL (6,548 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 2 days/ 8-10 hours
Specs: Major Climb, 5/9, Trail Class 3
Features:  Just a few minutes from the jump-off point, cardiac assault follows with a trail of thick forest. The trail is 97% covered with forest and expectedly inhabited with limatiks.  It has a narrow space for campsite.  The trail from the campsite to the summit is extremely cardiac assault with occasional appearance of mossy forest.  In few instances, trekkers have to crawl to fit it to the narrow spaces left by barks of trees growing across the trail. The summit when there is clearing is superbly majestic as it showcases a wide and long ridge formed from the mountain's crater.

29.  Mount Tenglawan (Part of Bakun trio)

The Carrot Peak on a foggy day

Savoring the misty air at Mount Tenglawan's summit

Location:  Bakun, Benguet, Philippines
Jump-off Point:  Brgy. Sinacbat, Bakun, Benguet
Elevation: Approximately 1,943 MASL (6,374 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day/ 3-4 hours
Specs: Major Climb, 5/9, Trail Class 1
Features:  Mossy and pine forests, water source at almost midpoint, open trails equipped with concrete stairs and metal railings, carrot peak adjacent to the summit, deep descent after the jump-off point, overlooking mountain slopes of vegetable plantation, continuous assaults to the summit and breathtaking sceneries of Mount Lobo, Mount Kabunian and the surrounding mountains of Ilocos Sur during clear sunny days.  The locals believe that God Insaking resides in this mountain, the rule of the of the wicked spirits, thus, they called this a devil mountain.

30.  Mount Amfungotngor

The mossy forest at the summit

Location:  Bontoc, Mountain Province, Philippines
Jump-off Point:  Sitio Favuyan, Brgy. Maligcong, Bontoc, Mountain Province
Alternate Jump-off Point: Sitio Fang-orao, Brgy. Maligcong, Bontoc, Mountain Province
Exit point: Sitio Fang-orao, Brgy. Maligcong, Bontoc, Mountain Province (Hexa climb traverse)
Alternate exit point:  Sitio Favuyan, Brgy. Maligcong, Bontoc, Mountain Province (Backtrail)
Elevation: Approximately 1,900 MASL (6,234 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day/ 3 hours (via Mounts Angtungfao, Kupapey & Chumanegcheg)
Specs: Major Climb, 4/9, Trail Class 1
Features:  It is the highest peak of all the mountains in Maligcong.  It passes 6 major assaults (2 before Mount Angtungfao, 1 before Mount Kupapey, one leading to Mount Chumanegcheg summit and 2 leading to its summit.  The trail offers magnificent pine forest and it has established trail till Mount Kupapey. The trail connecting from Mount Chumanegcheg is a long trek and the trail is no longer established.   It has a long and expansive summit grown with a mossy forest. From its Maligcong side are deep ravines.  It has highly varied flora species and usually with thicker mist even at high noon or early afternoon.  Trails has no rocks along it.

31.  Mount Polis (Part of Bauko 7 Peaks Climb)

Location:  Bauko, Mountain Province, Philippines
Jump-off Point:  Brgy. Bagnen Oriente, Bauko, Mountain Province
Elevation:  1,895 MASL (6,217.19 feet)
Days Required / Hours to Summit:  1 day / 50 minutes to 1 hour 
Specs:  Minor Climb; Difficulty 2/9; Trail Class 1
Features:  The second highest of the 7 peaks of Bauko Climb. It has concrete stairs supported with metal railings from jump-off point to the summit.  As of my June 26, 2022 climb, it has a concrete stairs of 525, but approximately 25% of it are still muddy trail.  This mountain is separated from the rest of the mountains identified to be the 7 peaks of Bauko climb.  Fortunately, a couple of homestay accommodation charging P250 per head for overnight stay are right there from the jump-off point.  But guests should equip themselves with food supplies for cooking as there are no restaurants around.  The summit offers a splendid sea of clouds during sunrise.  Sunset viewing is also a good option.  Tents for rental are available at the summit where guests have the option to stay for overnight.  

32.  Mount Mangasil (Part of Bauko 7 Peaks Climb)

Location:  Bauko, Mountain Province, Philippines
Jump-off Point:  Sitio Mocgo, Brgy. Bila, Bauko, Mountain Province
Alternate Jump-off Point: Sitio Junction, Purok Naboa, Brgy. Bagnen Proper, Bauko
Elevation:  1,880 MASL (6,167.98 feet)
Days Required / Hours to Summit:  1 day / 4 - 5 hours
Specs:  Major Climb; Difficulty 3/9; Trail Class 1-3
Features:  This is the fourth peak of the 5 mountains in Am-o Mountain Range coming from Brgy. Bila jump-off point and is largely a part of the Spanish Trail.  Most of its trails are narrow ridges covered by thick bushes or local grasses with sharp drops of slopes grown with thick pine trees.  One false move will take you down to the foot of the slopes. Even its summit is also covered with towering pine trees and only the other side can be viewed which is the Bauko lowlands.  

33.  Mount Bato (Part of Bauko 7 Peaks Climb)

Location:  Bauko, Mountain Province, Philippines
Jump-off Point:  Sitio Mocgo, Brgy. Bila, Bauko, Mountain Province
Alternate Jump-off Point: Sitio Junction, Purok Naboa, Brgy. Bagnen Proper, Bauko
Elevation:  1,872 MASL (6,141.73 feet)
Days Required / Hours to Summit:  1 day / 3 - 4 hours
Specs:  Major Climb; Difficulty 3/9; Trail Class 1-3
Features:  This is the third peak of the Am-o Mountain Range coming from Brgy. Bila jump-off point. Its summit from the shoulder which is along the Spanish Trail is just 20 minutes to scale. In our first climb here, where heavy downpour joined us, our guide did not advise us to summit since we were running out of time.  We need to be at the other end which is the Brgy. Bagnen  as exit point where a van awaited us for a drive to our homestay accommodation at the Bagnen Oriente for supposedly an overnight at Mount Polis's summit. 

34.  Mount Kapowao (Part of Bauko 7 Peaks Climb)

Location:  Bauko, Mountain Province, Philippines
Jump-off Point:  Sitio Junction, Purok Naboa, Brgy. Bagnen Proper, Bauko, Mountain Province
Alternate Jump-off Point: Sitio Mocgo, Brgy. Bila, Bauko, Mountain Province
Elevation:  1,860 MASL (6,102.36 feet)
Days Required / Hours to Summit:  1 day / 1 - 1 1/2 hours
Specs:  Major Climb; Difficulty 2/9; Trail Class 1
Features:  This is the fifth and the farthest peak of Am-o coming from Brgy. Bila but the first mountain to scale coming from Bagnen Proper, where it starts from the entry point of Spanish Trail.  Its summit is being dwarfed by its neighboring mountain, Mount Nentingle.  Its trail are consist of local grasses, bushes and pine trees. The most easiest climb among the 7peaks if coming from Bagnen proper.  Normally, if the climb starts from Brgy. Bila, this mountain and Mount Nentingle are no longer included since it is out of way along the scenic Spanish Trail.

35. Mount Ulap

Finding pleasure of the scenery while at rest

Location: Itogon, Benguet
Entry point: Brgy. Ampucao, Itogon
Exit point: Brgy. Sta. Fe, Itogon
Elevation: 1846 MASL (6,056 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day / 3-4 hours
Specs: Major Climb, Difficulty 3/9, Trail class 1-3
Features: Grassland and ridges with pine trees, scenic views of the Cordilleras, burial caves. It has a very long and steep descent in Barangay Sta. Fe
Blogspot link: Mount Ulap Climb

36-38.  Kibungan Cross Country Reverse Traverse

Location: La Union, Ilocos Sur and Benguet (Philippines)
Entry point: Sitio Palayen, Brgy. Tubaday, Santol Municipality, La Union
Exit point: Sitio Abas, Brgy. Poblacion, Kibungan Municipality, Benguet
Elevation Gain: 3,704 MASL (12,152.23 feet)
Days required: 3 days
Specs: Major Climb, Difficulty 8/9, Trail class 1-3
Features: Endless cardiac and steep assaults, ravines, gorges, water falls, rice terraces, some trails have concrete stairs and pathways with metal railings, fine forests, rocky and slippery trails, local villages, three public elementary schools along the trail and river crossings with countless hanging bridges. 

36.  Mount Batangan

The Lamagan-Litalit View Deck at Batangan Summit

The Inasan Hanging Bridge which crosses Amburayan River of Santol, La Union

The mountain slopes carved with rice terraces as captured halfway of the Litalit Trail

The steep Litalit Trail overlooking the Licungan community (left) and Amburayan River (right)

Location: Tacadang, Kibungan, Benguet, Philippines
Entry point: Sitio Palayen, Brgy. Tubaday, Santol Municipality, La Union
Exit point: Sitio Abas, Brgy. Poblacion, Kibungan Municipality, Benguet
Elevation:  1,400 MASL (4,593 feet)
Days required/Hours Required: 2 days / 10 - 11 hours
Specs: Major Climb, Difficulty 8/9, Trail class 1-3
Features: Endless cardiac assaults, ravines, some trails have concrete stairs and pathways with metal railings,  rocky and slippery trails, local villages, one public elementary school  and barracks to stay for overnight before summitting and  countless hanging bridges. 

37.  Mount Tagpaya

One of the breathtaking view heading to the Crying Mountains

The trail leading to the Crying Mountains

The magnificent Crying Mountains

While at the summit of Mount Tagpaya

Mount Tagpaya summit markers

Location: Kibungan, Benguet, Philippines
Entry point: Sitio Palayen, Brgy. Tubaday, Santol Municipality, La Union
Exit point: Sitio Abas, Brgy. Poblacion, Kibungan Municipality, Benguet
Elevation:  1,820 MASL (5,971 feet)
Days required/Hours Required: 3 days / 18-20 hours
Specs: Major Climb, Difficulty 8/9, Trail class 1-3
Features: Endless cardiac assaults, ravines, some trails have concrete stairs and pathways with metal railings,  rocky and slippery trails, local villages, gorges, water falls, rice terraces, fine forests, two public elementary schools  to stay for overnight before summitting and  countless hanging bridges. 

38.  Mount Buga

Just one side of Mount Buga summit

Overlooking the steep descent from Mount Buga summit

Location: Kibungan, Benguet, Philippines
Entry point: Sitio Palayen, Brgy. Tubaday, Santol Municipality, La Union
Exit point: Sitio Abas, Brgy. Poblacion, Kibungan Municipality, Benguet
Elevation:  1,435 MASL (4,708 feet)
Days required/Hours Required: 3 days / 22-24 hours
Specs: Major Climb, Difficulty 8/9, Trail class 1-3
Features: Endless cardiac assaults, ravines, some trails have concrete stairs and pathways with metal railings,  rocky and slippery trails,   rice terraces, fine forests, three hanging bridges

39.  Mount Kabunian (Part of Bakun Trio)

Victorious at the summit of Mount Kabunian

The diving board at the summit with Mount Tenglawan at the backdrop

The breathtaking scenery almost midpoint to the summit

Location:  Bakun, Benguet, Philippines
Jump-off Point:  Brgy. Poblacion, Bakun, Benguet
Elevation: Approximately 1,789 MASL (5,869feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day/ 4-5 hours
Specs: Major Climb, 5/9, Trail Class 1
Features:  Superbly stunning views of massive, rocky slopes, stairway to heaven secured trail, five hanging bridges, open and forested trails, water source at the midpoint, breathtaking views of Mount Tenglawan and other mountains at the summit, long descent of concrete trail (around 45 minutes) with metal railings from Poblacion proper to the jump-off point, hanging burial coffins along massive rocky slopes.  It was named after the highest deity or goddess of the Kankanaey myth, named Apo Kabunian, an Igorot God held to be the father of lesser gods and mankind, whom the locals believed bless their harvest abundantly and significantly.  Thus, they call this mountain, the Home of the Sky God Kabunian.

40.  Mount Tuking (Part of Bauko 7 Peaks Climb)

Location:  Bauko, Mountain Province, Philippines
Jump-off Point:  Sitio Mocgo, Brgy. Bila, Bauko, Mountain Province
Alternate Jump-off Point: Sitio Junction, Purok Naboa, Brgy. Bagnen Proper, Bauko
Elevation:  1,773 MASL (5,816.93 feet)
Days Required / Hours to Summit:  1 day / 2 - 3 hours
Specs:  Major Climb; Difficulty 3/9; Trail Class 1-3
Features:  This is the second peak of Am-o Mountain Range coming from Brgy. Bila jump-off point.  The trail coming first peak which is the Mount Madataken has cardiac assaults, but the ridges which connect it to Mount Tuking has moderate ascent with trails shaded by lush pine trees, which would indeed give the climbers a heavenly and soothing feeling.

41.  Mount Madataken (Part of Bauko 7 Peaks Climb)

The summit of Mount Madataken

Cardiac assaults leading to Mount Madataken

Location:  Bauko, Mountain Province, Philippines
Jump-off Point:  Sitio Mocgo, Brgy. Bila, Bauko, Mountain Province
Alternate Jump-off Point: Sitio Junction, Purok Naboa, Brgy. Bagnen Proper, Bauko
Elevation:  1,686 MASL (5,531.49 feet)
Days Required / Hours to Summit:  1 day / 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 hours
Specs:  Minor Climb; Difficulty 3/9; Trail Class 1-3
Features:  This is the first peak of Bauko 7 peaks climb coming from Brgy. Bila.  It has always been mistakenly identified as Mount Am-o, but it is just a part of Am-o Mountain Range.  Literally, this is the most beautiful among the 7 peaks of Bauko climb as it is richly grown with pine trees, though climbing it from Brgy. Bila is quite challenging due to is cardiac assaults.

42.  Mount Chumanegcheg

Location:  Bontoc, Mountain Province, Philippines
Jump-off Point:  Sitio Favuyan, Brgy. Maligcong, Bontoc, Mountain Province
Alternate Jump-off Point: Sitio Fang-orao, Brgy. Maligcong, Bontoc, Mountain Province
Exit point: Sitio Favuyan, Brgy. Maligcong, Bontoc, Mountain Province (Backtrail)
Alternate exit point:  Sitio Fang-orao, Brgy. Maligcong, Bontoc, Mountain Province (Hexaclimb Traverse)
Elevation: Approximately 1,660 MASL (5,446 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day/ 2 hours (via Mount Angtungfao and Mount Kupapey)
Specs: Minor Climb, 3/9, Trail Class 1
Features:  It passes 4 major assaults (2 before Mount Angtungfao, 1 before Mount Kupapey and one leading to its summit.  The trail offers magnificent pine forest and it has established trail till Mount Kupapey. From its shoulder, it opens to the magnificent scenery of Barangay Mainit which according to the locals has a natural hot spring.

43.  Mount Lakipan

Heading to the summit of Mount Lakipan

Descending to the jump-off point heading to Sitio Favarey (Maligcong main village)

Location:  Bontoc, Mountain Province, Philippines
Jump-off Point:  Sitio Fang-orao, Brgy. Maligcong, Bontoc, Mountain Province
Alternate Jump-off Point: Sitio Favuyan, Brgy. Maligcong, Bontoc, Mountain Province
Exit point: Sitio Fang-orao, Brgy. Maligcong, Bontoc, Mountain Province (Backtrail)
Alternate exit point:  Sitio Favuyan, Brgy. Maligcong, Bontoc, Mountain Province (Hexaclimb Traverse)
Elevation: Approximately 1,655 MASL (5,430 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day/ 2.5 hours (from Sitio Fang-orao via Mount Matuon)
Specs: Minor Climb, 3/9, Trail Class 1
Features:  From its jump-off point of Sitio Fang-orao, the trail is consist of rice terraces of Maligcong, passing thru the main Maligcong village at the middle of the rice terraces and struts along the Fib-iling rice terraces. From its foot from Sitio Fib-iling, it has few rice granary houses.  From its midpoint to the summit its trail has pine trees.  Its summit has no open view since it is in the middle of  densely-forested area.

44.  Mount Matuon

Heading to Mount Matuon summit

The window scenery in between the pine trees at the summit

Location:  Bontoc, Mountain Province, Philippines
Jump-off Point:  Sitio Fang-orao, Brgy. Maligcong, Bontoc, Mountain Province
Alternate Jump-off Point: Sitio Favuyan, Brgy. Maligcong, Bontoc, Mountain Province
Exit point: Sitio Fang-orao, Brgy. Maligcong, Bontoc, Mountain Province (Backtrail)
Alternate exit point:  Sitio Favuyan, Brgy. Maligcong, Bontoc, Mountain Province (Hexaclimb Traverse)
Elevation: Approximately 1,650 MASL (5,413 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day/ 2 hours (from Sitio Fang-orao)
Specs: Minor Climb, 3/9, Trail Class 1
Features:  From its jump-off point of Sitio Fang-orao, the trail is consist of rice terraces of Maligcong, passing thru the main Maligcong village at the middle of the rice terraces and struts along the Fib-iling rice terraces. From its foot from Sitio Fib-iling, it has few rice granary houses.  From its midpoint to the summit its trail has pine trees.  It is overlooking the other side of Maligcong rice terraces between the windows of pine trees on its summit.

45.   Mount Yangbew (formerly known as Mount Jambo or Jumbo)

Location: La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines
Entry and Exit Points:  Sitio Binat, Barangay Tawang, La Trinidad, Benguet
Elevation:  1,648 MASL (5,407 feet)
Hours to Summit/Days Required:  30 to 40 minutes/ 1 day
Specs: Minor Climb; Difficulty - 2/9; Trail Class 1
Features:  It is the highest peak in the municipality of La Trinidad, Benguet.  It has open and grassy trails dotted with stunning limestone rock formations which is muddy during rainy season.  No tour guide needed.  It is bike-friendly and families and groups can even have their picnic at the summit.  From the heart of Baguio City, it can only approximately be 20 to 30 minutes drive depending upon the traffic and if one opts to hire a taxi, it will approximately be costing P200 to P250, no haggling needed since drivers of Baguio City are mostly honest.  You are unfortunate if you find one.  Its summit offers a panoramic view of La Trinidad and Baguio City.

46.  Mount Kupapey

The summit marker of Mount Kupapey

Location:  Bontoc, Mountain Province, Philippines
Jump-off Point:  Sitio Favuyan, Brgy. Maligcong, Bontoc, Mountain Province
Elevation:  1,647 MASL (5,403.54 feet)
Days Required / Hours to Summit: 1 day / 1 - 1 1/2 hours
Specs:  Minor Climb, Difficulty 3/9. Trail Class 1
Features:  Trail covered with pine forest where its first 30 minutes is a continuous but gradual assault; the first 15 minutes cuts through a few village houses; it passes through the summit of Mount Angtungfao; and  it is closely overlooking the century-old wonder of Maligcong Rice Terraces.

Youtube link:  Mount Kupapey

47. Kyangyenyi

Enjoying the cold climate of Uganda at Kyangyenyi summit

Location: Kibingo District, Uganda, East Africa
Entry and Exit point: Parish of Kyangyenyi Subcounty, Kibingo District
Elevation: 1,555 MASL (5,102 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day / 2 hours
Specs: Minor climb, 2/9 Difficulty, Cardiac assault trails
Features: The lower side is grown with Prunu African as part of their agricultural community project and some grazing area. The trails in the middle part is grown with Pinus Oocarpa and leading to the summit are grown with few Eucalyptus and low-growing bushes. The summit is rocky and grown with low-growing bushes.
Blogspot link: Kyangyenyi Climb

48. Nyakarangara

At the summit of Nyakarangara

Location: Boundaries of Buhweju and Sheema Counties, Bushenyi District, Uganda, East Africa
Entry point: Nyakashaka Village, Bushenyi District
Exit point: Nyakyiragugu Village, Sheema Country
Elevation: 1,540 MASL (5,052 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day / 2 hours
Specs: Minor climb, 2/9 Difficulty, Executive Climb
Features: The trail is gradual and there are only two dominant species grow on it, the Eucalyptus trees, low-growing bushes and Ehongwa flowers making it very easy to trek to the summit
Blogspot link: Nyakarangara Climb

Mount Angtungfao (adjoining peak to Mount Kupapey)

The flat and expansive peak of Mount Angtungfao

Location:  Bontoc, Mountain Province, Philippines
Entry point:  Sitio Favuyan, Brgy. Maligcong, Bontoc, Mountain Province
Elevation: 1,493 MASL (4,898.29 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit:  1 day / 1 hour
Specs:  Minor Climb, 3/9 Difficulty,  Trail Class 1
Features:  2 gradual assaults;  cuts through small tribal villages with very few houses; almost adjacent to the famous Maligcong Rice Terraces; summit is wide campsite but as per municipal ordinance there is not overnight camping allowed; and it is the first summit leading to Mount Kupapey.

Youtube link:  Mount Angtungfao

49.  Mount Kalugong

Location:  La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines
Entry and exit points:  Sitio Tayawan, Barangay Cruz, La Trinidad, Benguet
Elevation:  1,472 MASL (4,829 feet)
Hours to Summit/Days Required:  30 to 40 minutes / 1 day
Specs:  Minor Climb; Difficulty - 2/9; Trail Class 1
Features:  Mount Kalugong is an eco-park and a cultural village where near its summit is a cafe and refreshing pine forest eco-park with a few accommodation huts for overnight guests and on its summit is a solid and massive limestone rock formations.  No need for a guide.  Its jump-off point is accessible by a jeepney coming from Baguio City with a fare of P15 per head as of this writing.  Two thirds of its trails from the jump-off point are private residences and a few private resorts with connected with a concrete road.  The concrete road ends at an agri-park and it opens to a small entrance with stairs made up of construction iron stell (cabilla) which extends into a 5-minute walk to the entrance of the eco-park.  This mountain can be on a twin-hike with Mount Yangbew.

50.  Mount Cristobal

Location: Between the boundaries of Dolores  (Quezon), San Pablo & Nagcarlan (Laguna), Philippines
Jump-off point: Brgy. Sta Lucia, Dolores, Quezon
Elevation:  1,470 MASL (4,823 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1- 2 days / 4 - 5 hours
Specs:  Minor climb, Difficulty 4/9, Trail class 3
Features: With on and off cemented paths from the start of the trail, thick forest, ferns-grown and cogon trails, misty crater, Jones peak (the highest point in trail). 

51.  Mount Fato

The summit marker of Mount Fato

Location: Bontoc, Mountain Province, Philippines
Jump-off Point:  Sitio Favuyan, Brgy. Maligcong, Bontoc, Mountain Province
Elevation:  1,438 MASL (4,717.85 feet)
Days Required / Hours to Summit: 1 Day / 1 - 1 1/2 hours
Specs:  Minor Climb, Difficulty 3/9, Trail Class 1
Features: Trail covered with pine forest; the summit offers a vast panoramic view of the mountains of Bontoc and a distance the majestic Maligcong Rice Terraces; and it passes through the peak of Mount Podlak.

Youtube link: Mount Fato

52. Mount Hibok-Hibok

The densely-forested trail of Mount Hibok-Hibok

Location: Camiguin de Mindanao Island, Philippines
Jump-off point: Ardent Hot Spring, Mambajao, Camiguin
Elevation: 1,332 MASL (4,370 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day / 3-5 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 4/9, Trail class 3
Features: Volcanic crater, tropical forest, scenic views of Camiguin
Blogspot link: Mount Hibok-Hibok Climb

53. Mount Masaraga

While at the summit of Mount Masaraga at 1,328 MASL with Mayon Volcano as backdrop

Taken from the Viewdeck of Mount Masaraga with Mayon Volcano sa backdrop

Location: Brgy. Amtic, Ligao, Albay, Philippines
Jump-off point: Sitio Sabluyon, Brgy. Amtic, Ligao, Albay
Elevation: 1,328 MASL (4,357 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 2 days / Old Trail (4-7 hours); New Trail 2-3 hours
Specs: Major climb, Difficulty 6/9, Trail class 1-4
Features: Trails vary from talahib-grown and monkey trail with all cardiac assaults pattern from The Campsite.  Trails are along the ridge.  From its viewdeck and summit, Mayon Volcano is very visible if there is clearning.  Likewise, from summit during cleared skies can be viewed Mount Isarog and Mount Malinao.
Blogspot link: 

54.  Mount Natib

A sea of clouds at the summit of Mount Natib

Location: Orani, Bataan, Philippines
Major jumpoff: Brgy. Tala, Orani
Minor jumpoff: Kanawan (Hanging Bridge), Morong
Elevation: 1,287 MASL (4,222 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1-2 days / 4 -5 hours Specs (Backtrail): Major climb, Difficulty 5/9, Trail class 1-3
Specs (Traverse): Major climb, Difficulty 6/9, Trail class 1-3
Features: Scenic views of Central Luzon; Woodlands; Tropical forests and it is infested with limatik (blood-sucking leech)
Suggested Tourist Destination to visit: Sinagtala Farm Resort
Blogspot link: Mount Natib Climb

Mount Podlak (adjoining peak to Mount Fato)

From the peak of Mount Podlak is  the distant view of Maligcong Rice Terraces

Location:  Bontoc, Mountain Province, Philippines
Jump-off Point: Sitio Favuyan, Brgy. Maligcong, Bontoc, Mountain Province
Elevation:  1,274 MASL (4,179.79 feet)
Days Required/ Hours to Summit: 1 Day / 1 hour
Specs:  Minor Climb, Difficulty 3/9, Trail Class 1
Features:  Trail covered with pine forest; its summit is the jumping point leading to Mount Fato; it has two long gradual assaults; and the first 15 minutes of the assault has concrete stairs.

Youtube link: Mount Podlak

55Mount Dinor

Location: Brgy. Sinoron, Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur
Entry point: Sitio Pilan, Brgy. Sinoron, Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur
Exit point: Sitio Pilan, Brgy. Sinoron, Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur
Elevation: 1,240 MASL (4,068 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit:1 day /  4 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 3/9, Trail Class 1-3

Total Trail Length: 9.575 kilometers or 19.15 kilometers plus backtrail (11.9 miles)
Features: The trail starts with the picturesque Pilan hanging bridge and after a series of ups and downs is a creek crossing. It has rolling and open trails (it is like a walk-in-the-park) from jump-off point to the forest entry point.  There are 2 stations  (Bonghanoy and Panerio both with water source) and followed by three camp sites with Camp 1 having water source.  Camp sites are close with each other with a distance of not more than 15-minute trekking.  After Camp 1 follows shortly the forest which a 45-minute cardiac assault to the summit.  The summit offers no overlooking scenery as it is a densely-forested area.

56.  Kairere Peak

Taken at Kairere' peak with Omutanwa peak at the background

Location: Kyabugimbi Sub-county, Bushenyi District, Uganda, East Africa
Jump-off point:  Kakyeka Village, Kyabugimbi Sub County, Bushenyi District, Uganda
Elevation: 1,203 MASL (3,947 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day / 2.5 hours
Specs:  Minor climb, Difficulty 2/9, Trail class 2
Features:  Near the jump-off point were planted with bananas by the locals, while ascending Eucalyptus trees and Ehongwa wild flowers abundantly grows.  Ascending the slopes takes a gradual elevation. It's open with grasses abundantly growing with few trees growing leading to the summit where its midpart has been a region of animals' grazing due to thick grasses.  With this, the rolling neighboring hills can be viewed with no obstacles. Some parts of it have liverworts as ground cover.

57. Mount Malindig

At the pasture land trail of Mount Malindig

Location: Buenavista, Marinduque, Philippines
Jump-off: Brgy. Sihi, Buenavista
Elevation: 1,157 MASL (3,876 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1-2 days / 4.5-5.5 hours
Specs: < Minor climb, Difficulty 4/9, Trail class 1-2
Features: Trails vary from coconut plantation, farm/crop land, grazing land and forest leading to summit. No open cleaning from the summit. There is a radio station/military outpost at 900 MASL
Blogspot link: Mount Malindig Climb

58. Mount Mariveles (Tarak Ridge)

Standing at the Peak 2 of Mount Mariveles

Location: Mariveles, Bataan
Jump-off point: Brgy. Alas-asin, Mariveles
Elevation (Ridge): 1,006 MASL (3,300 feet)
Elevation (Peak): 1,130 MASL (3,707 feet)
Days required/Hours to summit: 1 day / 5-6 hours
Specs: Major climb, Difficulty 4/9, Trail class 3
Features: Its craggy landscape, sharp rocks, and steep location. It gives rich dramatic hues of sunset which can be viewed at its best from the ridge. It provides a 270-degree view of sprawling hills and plains as well as its coastline and that is to include Corregidor Island and its neighboring islands and islets and the majestic Manila Bay for the farthest point of Cavite.
Blogspot link: Mount Mariveles Climb (Tarak Ridge)

59.  Bamboo Peak

Location: Brgy. Jose Rizal, Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur, Philippines
Entry point: Sitio Centro, Brgy. Jose Rizal,  Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur
Exit point: Sitio Centro, Brgy. Jose Rizal, Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur

Jump-off point Elevation: 249 MASL (816.93 feet)
Elevation: 1,106 MASL (3,629 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day / 3 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 3/9, Trail Class 3

Total Trail Length: 4.6 kilometers or 9.2 kilometers plus backtrail
Features: It has both open trails and forested trails. There is one creek and the entire stretch of the trail is characterized by series of assaults.  A few houses (around five) halfway to the summit sells fresh buco fruit and two stores to buy snacks, lunch meal and other food items.  Some of the trails are grown with bamboo and its ridge where peak is located provides an ample space for camping.

60. Mount Tenjo 

While at the Observation Deck

Boarding the cable car to the Observation Deck

Location:  Lake Kawaguchiko Southern shore, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi,  Japan
Jump-off point:  Azagawa, Fujikawaguchicko, Minamitsuru District, Yamansahi, Japan 
Elevation: 1,104 MASL (3,622 feet) Note that the jump-off point is already at an elevation of 876 meters, thus, there is only 238 meters to trek going to the summit of Mount Tenjo.
Hours to Peak 2 / days required: 1 day / 1.2  (the first option is trek, the second option is to take the cable car)
Specs:   Minor climb, Difficulty 3/9, Trail class 2
Features:  It offers the panoramic view of Lake Kawaguchiko. It has the Bell of Tenjo, the Tenjo "rabbit" Shrine.  Mount Tenjo is used as an observation point for the Mount Fuji Panoramic Ropeway.
Additional tips:  The ropeway is open daily from 9:00 A.M. (9:30 A.M. from December to February), with departures every 5-10 minutes.  A round trip is 800 yen for adults and 400 yen for children, or one way tickets are available for 450 and 230 yen, respectively.  You can take the ropeway until 5:10 P.M. (4:40 P.M. from December to February).  Official website:

For keen hikers, there' also the option to continue from Mount Tenjo to Mount Mitsutoge (1,785 meters).  It's about a six-hour hike there an back.

61-66.  Cawag Hexa Climb (Mount Balingkilat, Mount Bira-Bira, Mount Naulaw, Mount Dayungan, Mount Cinco Picos and Mount Redondo)

Location: Subic, Zambales, Philippines
Jump-off point: Sitio Cawag, Settlement, Subic, Zambales
Days required/Hours to finish: 1-2 days / 16 -  20 hours
General Specs: Major climb, Difficulty 7/9, Trail class 1-4
Cumulative elevation gain: 1,930 meters
Total Trail Length: approximately 33.7 kilometers

61.  Mount Balingkilat

From the summit of Mount Balingkilat with the background of Nagsasa Cove

A close-up picture from the summit of Mount Balingkilat

Elevation (Summit): 1,100 MASL (3,608.92 feet)
Days required/Hours to summit: 1 day / 5  hours
Specs: Major climb, Difficulty 7/9, Trail class 1-4
Features: Two river crossings;  the first hour trek is flat but rugged wet terrain coming from tributaries of creeks during rainy and "ber" months, but not in summer which is dry.  The last remaining hours are open of continuous cardiac assaults; usually trek at dawn due to scorching heat as trails are open; overlooking Subic Bay and the nightly lights of the municipality of Subic.   The summit offers the majestic and stunning scenery of Nagsasava Cove.

62.   Mount Bira-Bira  (Mount Nagsasa)

While at the bewitching summit of Mount Bira-Bira with Mount Balingkilat at the backdrop

Elevation (Summit): 540 MASL (1,771.65 feet)
Days required/Hours to summit: 1 day / 3  hours  (the starting point is from Mount Balingkilat summit)
Specs: Major climb, Difficulty 7/9, Trail class 1-4
Features: It passes a strong current of water source (only during rainy and "ber" months); requires scaling of eight (8) mini-mountains of steep ridges and short rocky knife edge trails with massive sharp rocks of open trails.  Requires  to lift ones body to overcome big chunks of rocks along the trails. Its summit offers a totality of the Mount Balingkilat and still the scenic cove of Nagsasa can be visibly captured. 

63.  Mount Naulaw

The grassy summit of Mount Naulaw showcasing backdrop of mountain range

Elevation (Summit): 450 MASL (1,476.38 feet)
Days required/Hours to summit: 1 day / 1  hour  (the starting point is from Mount Bira-Bira summit)
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 2/9, Trail class 1
Features: Equipped with rolling flat trails grown with talahib grass more than half of the height of 6-footer human frame. Open trails which offers extremely scorching trails.  From its summit can be seen the Nagsasa Cove, Mount Bira-Bira, Mount Dayungan and Mount Redondo and a dramatic slopes of hills and unknown mountains.

64.  Mount Dayungan

The totality of Mount Dayungan as captured from its foot adjacent to Mount Naulaw

The cascading waters of the second water source at the foot of Mount Dayungan

Elevation (Summit): 935+ MASL (3,067.59 feet)
Days required/Hours to summit: 1 day / 2-3  hours  (the starting point is from Mount Naulaw summit)
Specs: Major climb, Difficulty 5/9, Trail class 1-3
Features: Its jump-off point is at the second water source.  Requires cardiac assaults to the summit. Some of its open trails are grown with thick grasses where there is nowhere to take refuge from the extremely hot sun.  It has a summit of deception before you reach the real summit.  It has a 360 degree views for it can almost capture the lower elevation of Mount Naulaw, Mount Redondo, Nagsasa Cove and also the Cinco Picos and fathest stretch of Mount Bira-Bira and Mount Balingkilat. 

65.  Mount Cinco Picos

The rolling trails leading to the foot of Mount Cinco Picos

Elevation (Summit): 881 MASL (2,890.42 feet)
Days required/Hours to summit: 1 day / 2-3  hours  (the starting point is from the foot of Mount Dayungan)
Specs: Major climb, Difficulty 5/9, Trail class 1-3
Features: It has 7 peaks to conquer and if all these are scaled, it will take a maximum of 4 hours.  Its peaks vary from open to densely forested sections.  It takes two mini-mountains from Mount Dayungan to navigate to the foot of this mountain with rolling trails in between.

66.  Mount Redondo

Heading to the foot of Mount Redondo

Elevation (Summit): 660 MASL (2,165.35 feet)
Days required/Hours to summit: 1 day / 3-4  hours  (the starting point is from the foot of Mount Cinco Picos)
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 3/9, Trail class 1
Features: It offers the longest trail walk of taller-than-human frame Talahib (grasses) before finally descending back to the jump-off point of another 3 hours including 2 river crossings.  We scaled this mountain on a night trek, because our Cawag Hexa was from 1:00 A.M. of Saturday and finished it at 1:00 A.M. of Sunday.  We tend to take a sleep along the creepy trails of this mountain.  No clearings can be found and the trails is just enough for a human body to pass through.  Being on tail, I experienced that a strong force has been pulling my backpack.  It was indeed scary to be at Redondo's trails at a night trek.

67. Mount Makiling (Peak 2)

A leisurely rest on my descent of the mountain

Location: Sto. Tomas, Batangas, Philippines
Jump-off: Brgy. San Miguel, Sto. Tomas
Elevation: 1090 MASL (3,676 feet) at Peak 2
Hours to Peak 2 / days required: 1-2 days / 7-8 hours
Specs: Major climb, Difficulty 6/9, Trail class 3 with roped segments
Features: It does not give a 360 degrees scenery at the peak. It is highly inhabited by limatik (tiger colored leech)
Blogspot link: Mount Makiling Peak 2 Climb

68.  Mount Loay

Location: Brgy Zone 2, Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur
Entry point: Sitio Loay (Loay Elementary School), Brgy. Zone 2, Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur
Exit point: Sitio Loay, Brgy. Zone 2, Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur (option to traverse to Langan Falls)
Elevation: 1,040 MASL (3,412 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day / 4 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 3/9, Trail Class 1- 3

Total Trail Length: 5.79 kilometers or 11.58 kilometers plus backtrail (7.2 miles)
Features: Characterized by having 8 stations where climbers can have an emergency camping. A few of these stations have stores where snacks, drinks and buco fruit are available and they are grown with ornamental plants making them picturesque.  The trail to the summit is an endless assault with small to average size rocks.   The summit has a clearing offering 360-degree view.

69. Mount Arayat Peak 1

While at the summit of Mount Arayat Peak 1

Location: Arayat, Pampanga, Philippines
Major jump off: Arayat National Park, Brgy. Bano, Arayat
Elevation: 1,030 MASL (3,379 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day / 4 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 3/9, Trail class 3
Features: It has spectacular view overlooking most of Central Luzon with expanse of rice fields and towns, Pampanga River, mountains of Zambales and Bataan and the Sierra Madre on the opposite side. However, in this same summit is a communication tower which blocks the full view of the other side when photographed.
Blogspot link: Mount Arayat Peak 1

70.  Mount Pulog

Lake Pulog at the summit of Mount Pulog

Overlooking Lake Pulog from the summit

Strutting at the jump-off point of agricultural land

Location: Bacun, Sorsogon, Philippines
Major Jumpoff Point: Sta. Cruz, Bacun, Sorsogon
Alternate Jumpoff: San Juan, Bacun, Sorsogon
Elevation: 1,020 MASL (3,346 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day / 4-5 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 4/9, Trail class 1-3
Features: Mostly rolling trails of agricultural land majority coconut plantation from the jumpoff point to the grassy campsite overlooking Pacific Ocean, Bacun town and Pagurinan beach coast; densely forested of steep trails and cardiac assaults from the campsite to the summit; with less concentration of limatiks; with mystical lake traversing a thick forest almost 200 meters down from the summit; the summit offers 180 degrees view of Pocdol mountain range. 
Blogspot link: 

71. Mount Iraya

A group photo at the summit of Mount Iraya

Location: Basco, Batanes, Philippines
Major Jumpoff: Sitio Banaraw near Basco Airport
Elevation: 1,009 MASL (3,310 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day / 3-4 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 4/9, Trail class 1-3
Features: Its summit provides the scenery of the whole Batan Island as well as overlooking the Pacific Ocean, China Sea, Balintang Channel and Luzon Strait.
Blogspot link: Mount Iraya Climb

72. Mount Pinatubo

The majestic lake of Mount Pinatubo

Location; Between the boundaries of Zambales, Tarlac and Pampanga, Philippines
Major jump-off: Brgy. Sta. Juliana, Capas, Tarlac
Elevation: 960 MASL (3,150 feet)
Days required / Hours to crater: 1 day, with options of: 45 min 4×4 + 2 hrs hike OR 4-5 hours trek
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 2/9, Trail class 1
Features: The trail has narrow shallow O'Donnell water streams, it has desert-like flat, long Crow Valley Gunnery Range which leads to its magnificent crater lake with color blue green to deep blue depending on the season.
Blogspot link: Mount Pinatubo Climb

73.  Mount Igduao

Location: Valderrama, Antique, Philippines
Entry point: Brgy. Binanugan, Valderrama, Antique
Exit point: Brgy. Binanugan, Valderrama, Antique
Elevation: 873 MASL (2,864.17 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit:1 day / 1 hour from Mount Igcuron campsite
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 5/9, Trail Class 2
Features: Open trails from start to finish coming from Igcuron campsite; 45 degrees scaling to its summit with only the cogon grasses to hold; the summit offers a 360 degrees panoramic view of Mount Igcuron, Mount Taripes, Mount Tigbararing and other neighboring mountains.  Its foot is adjacent to Mount Taripes.

Youtube link:  Mount Igduao

74.  Mount Hinoplacan

One of the massive trees along the trail

At the summit of Mount Hinoplacan

Location: Matuguinao, Western Samar, Philippines

Entry/Exit point: Purok 1, Matuguinao, Western Samar
Elevation: 802 MASL (2,631.23 feet)

Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day/ 4 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 5/9, Trail Class 1-3
Features: Most of the trails have narrow and sharp rocks which need balances.  Rocks cannot be used for support whenever climbing as they will hurt bare hands.  Since most of its parts are densely-forested then climbers are protected from the exposure to the sun. Trails can be consisting of long cardiac assaults. Since it is seldom climbed, there is no well-defined trail and the guide oftentimes clears it using sharp bolo.

Blogspot link:  Mount Hinoplacan: The Newly Opened Climbing Destination in Matuguinao (Samar)

75.  Mount Igmatongtong

Location: Laua-an, Antique, Philippines
Entry point: Brgy. Capnayan, Laua-an, Antique
Exit point: Brgy. Capnayan, Laua-an, Antique
Elevation: 802 MASL (2,631.23 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit:1 day / 1 – 1/2 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 4/9, Trail Class 1
Features: Trails to the barangay for registration is a narrow concrete road and staircases; open trail with some scenic rice terraces on its mountain slopes and even along its trails.

Youtube link:  Mount Igmatongtong

76. Mount Daraitan

While at the summit of Mount Daraitan

The Heart Peak of Mount Daraitan

Tinipak River and Rock Formations: an optional side trip in Mount Daraitan

Location: Tanay, Rizal, Philippines
Major Jump-off point:  Barangay Daraitan, Tanay, Rizal
Alternate jump-off point: Sitio Cablao, Brgy. Pinagsangahan, General Nakar, Quezon
Elevation: 739 MASL  (2,425 feet)
Days required / summit : 1 day / 2.5-3.5 hours
Specs: Minor, Difficulty 4/9,  Trail class 1-3
Features: Slippery rock trails, long cardiac assaults,  tropical forest, with rope segment for steep trails, limestone rock formations more massive at and nearby the summit; with Rockies 1 and 2; with Heart Peak as another peak of the mountain.

77. Mount Maculot

Conquering heights from the Rockies of Mount Maculot

Location: Cuenca, Batangas, Philippines
Major Jumpoff: Mountaineer’s Store, Brgy. 7 “Siete”, Cuenca, Batangas
Exit point (traverse): Brgy 5 (to Grotto), Cuenca
Elevation: 706 MASL at Rockies (2,316 feet) / 930 MASL at the summit (3,051 feet)
Days required / Hours to Rockies / summit : 1 day / 1-2 hr / 2-4 hr
Specs: Minor, Difficulty 3/9 (Rockies); 4/9 (Traverse) Trail class 1-3
Features: Scenic views of Taal Lake and other mountains along Taal Lake, rock formations, forests, steep trail.
Blogspot link: Mount Maculot Climb

78. Mount Batulao

Ascending to the summit of Mount Batulao from the Old Trail

Location: Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines
Jump-off: KC Hillcrest Hotel and Golf Course (formerly Evercrest)
Elevation: 811 MASL (2,660 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit:1 day / 2-4 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 4/9, Trail Class 3 with 60 - 70 degrees assault
Features: The trail starts from a nearby community and from there it is already an open trail grown with cogon. There is a rope segment if ascending from the old trail. Climbers have the option use new trail and had it back trail but it is thrilling and challenging to use old trail and descend to new trail.
Blogspot link: Just one of Mount Batulao's night climb and Another Mount Batulao Climb

79. Mount Batolusong

Location: Tanay, Rizal
Major jumpoff: Brgy. San Andres, Tanay, Rizal
Elevation: Mapatag Plateau - 645 MASL (2,116 feet) / Susong Dalaga Peak - 780 MASL (2,559 feet)
Days required / Hours to destination: 1 day /1.5h (Mapatag); 3-4 (Susong Dalaga Peak)
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 3/9, Trail class 1-3
Features: farm land, Grassland slopes, views of Laguna, Rizal, and Quezon

Rappelling towards Susong Dalaga Peak of Mount Batolusong

80. Mount Manabu

The grass clearing at the campsite of Mount Manabu

Location: Sto. Tomas, Batangas
Elevation: 760 MASL (2,493 feet)
Entry point: Sulok, Brgy. Sta Cruz, Sto. Tomas
Exit Point: Sulok, Brgy. Sta. Cruz, Sto. Tomas
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day / 1-3 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 2/9, Trail class 1-2
Features: Its trail varies from coconut plantation and with identified stations (1 - 7), cogon grass most particularly when heading to the summit where a white cross was erected; and the descent was somewhat steep with rope segment and densely forested area. There is also a water stream inhabited with fish and a Grotto.
Blogspot link: Mount Manabu Climb

81. Mount 387 and Aloha Falls

Just one shot characterizing how Mount 387 neighboring mountains and hills look like

Location: Carranglan, Nueva Ecija , Philippines
Jump-off: Barangay Puncan, Carrangalan, Nueva Ecija (Backtrail)
Elevation: 724 MASL (2,375 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day / 2-2 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 2/9, Trail class 1-4
Features: It is part of the Caraballo Mountain Range that surrounds Nueva Ecija, Nueva Vizcaya, and Quirino provinces and it also covers 387.9 hectares (where it got its name) of the Talavera Watershed Forest Reserve which serves as a major water source to neighboring provinces. It has the famous tree called Lover's Tree. Aloha Falls is the last activity.
Blogspot link:

82.  Mount Camiguin de Babuyanes

Overlooking from the summit are the Pinon Islet (Left) and Pamuktan Island (Right)

Location: Camiguin Island, Babuyan Group of Islands, Cagayan Province, Philippines
Jump-off point: Brgy. Paguitpit, Camiguin Island   (5 hours trek from my host family in Barangay Balatubat since there is no available transportation facility)
Elevation: 712MASL (2,336 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit:  1 day / 3 hours
Specs:  Minor  climb,  Difficulty 5/9, Trail class 3
Features: Overlooking  Pinon Islet and Pamuktan (west side) and Didicas Volcano & Dackel Cabatuan Bay  connecting to the Pacific Ocean (East Side); no clear trail since I was just the second climber to scale the mountain since an American researcher climbed it in 1989; has 2 lakes near the summit; thick forest with continuous steep ascents; sighted a number of vipers (snakes) along the trails.   

83.  Mount Taripes

Location: Valderrama, Antique, Philippines
Entry point: Brgy. Binanugan, Valderrama, Antique
Exit point: Brgy. Binanugan, Valderrama, Antique
Elevation: 691 MASL (2,267.06 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit:1 day / 1 hour from Mount Igduao
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 3/9, Trail Class 1
Features: Open trails from start to finish coming from Mount Igduao; the summit offers a 360 degrees panoramic view of Mount Igcuron, Mount Igduao, Mount Tigbararing and other neighboring mountains.  

Youtube link:  Mount Taripes

84. Mount Palay-Palay (Pico de Loro)

Overcame a death-defying harness to the monolith of Pico de Loro

Location: Maragondon (Cavite) and Nasugbu (Batangas), Philippines
Major jump-off: DENR Station, Magnetic Hill, Ternate, Cavite
Minor jump-off: Sitio Fronda, Brgy. Papaya, Ternate-Nasugbu Highway, Nasugbu, Batangas
Elevation: 664 MASL (2,179 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1-2 days / 2-5 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 3/9, Trail class 1-3
Features: With a massive monolith adjacent to the summit, forests, scenic views of Cavite
Blogspot link: Mount Palay-Palay Climb (Pico de Loro)

85. Mount Apayang

While at the summit of Mount Apayang

Location: Brgy. Aga, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines
Jump-off point: Sitio Bayabasan, Brgy. Aga, Nasugbu (KM. 83)
Elevation: 662 MASL (2,172 feet)
Days required/ Hours to summit: 1 day / 2 - 3 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 3/9, Trail class 1-3 with steep assault (100 m) leading to the summit of Mount Talamitam
Features: Mount Talamitam - Mount Apayang can be an option since one passes first Mount Talamitam before heading to Mount Apayang which is connected by an almost flat trail going there. However, the latter has more trees compared to Mount Talamitam which has a cleaning on its summit.

86.  Mount Bulbok

The sight from a distance of Mount Bulbok

Location:  Maragondon, Cavite, Philippines
Jump-off Point: Brgy. Pinagsanhan B, Maragondon, Cavite
Elevation: 645 MASL (2,116 feet)
Days required /Hours to summit: 1 day / 2-3 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 3/9, Trail Class 1
Features:  Trails with few gradual assaults,  within the perimeter are grown with Acacia, Kakawate (Gliricidia sepium) and Ipil-ipil and other vegetation.  Trails vary from average forested area to open ones covered with cogon grass.  Initially, it starts with the quarried Mount Tala, the so called by the locals as Mount Quarry.  The summit offers a scenic view of the surrounding Maragondon mountain ranges.

Blogspot link:  Mount Bulbok Climb

Tatay's Peak Rock Formation (Masungi Georeserve) - not a mountain but a hill's peak

Part of the Discovery Trail of this georeserve park

Location:  Baras, Rizal, Philippines
Jump-off point: Kilometer 45 Marcos Highway, Baras, Rizal, Philippines
Elevation: 640 MASL (2,100 feet)
Days Required / Hours to summit:  1 day / 2.5 hours (the whole Discovery Trail is good for 3-4 hours)
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 3/9, Trail class 1-3
Features: Rugged limestone dating back 60 million years, karst peaks, steep slopes with winding trails and nestles in a lush montane tranquil rainforests. Inhabited by more than 400 species of flora and fauna in a sprawling protected area of 2,700 hectares.  

Blogspot link:  Masungi Georeserve

87. Bundok ng Susong Dalaga (Batangas)

Nothing much to see in this mountain but purely a workout climb

Location:  Lipa, Batangas, Philippines
Jump-off point: Brgy. Talisay, Lipa,  Batangas
Elevation:  630 MASL (2,067 feet)
Days required/ Hours to summit: 1 day / 2.5 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficult 2/9, Trail class 2-3
Features:  The trail is mostly covered by trees; there is mini rock bouldering near the summit; Mount Maculot and Mount Manabu can be seen from the summit. Bundok ng Susong Dalaga is a part of the mountain range also known as Malarayat with the third peak Manabu.

88. Mount Talamitam

Withstanding the strong winds at the summit of Mount Talamitam

Location: Brgy. Aga, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines
Jump-off point: Sitio Bayabasan, Brgy. Aga, Nasugbu (KM. 83)
Elevation: 630 MASL (2,067 feet)
Days required/ Hours to summit: 1 day / 1.5-2.2 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 3/9, Trail class 1-3 with steep assault (100 m)
Features: The trail starts with a forested area, then up to the grazing land. It continues with an open area grown with carabao grasses and a few towering coconut trees and then assault follows leading to the summit
Blogspot link: Mount Talamitam Climb

89.  Mount Ayaas

Location: Rodriguez (Montalban), Rizal, Philippines
Jump-off Point:  Sitio Dambana, Barangay Mascap, Rodriguez (Montalban), Rizal
Exit Point:  Mascap Proper 1, Barangay Mascap, Rodriguez (Montalban), Rizal
Elevation:  627 MASL (2,057 feet)
Hours to Summit/ Days Required: 2 hours / 1 day
Specs: Minor Climb; Difficulty - 3/9; Trail Class 1-3
Features:  It has three gradual assaults and descent heading to the summit. It has tall grasslands with established open trails and muddy during rainy season.  It has 360 degrees summit showcasing the skyscrapers of Taguig and other parts of Metro Manila and some neighboring mountains of Rizal which are already identified as favorite hiking destinations.  It is highly recommended to have this mountain as part of Mascap Dayhike Trilogy with two other mountains as Espadang Bato and Sipit Ulang. 

Kulis (this is not a mountain but rather a hill)

Location: Sitio Maysawa, Barangay Cuyambay/Laiban, Tanay, Rizal, Philippines
Jump-off point: Fresno Agro Forestry & Eco-Tourist Campsite, Sitio Maysawa, Tanay, Rizal
Elevation: 620 MASL (2,034 feet)
Days required/ Hours to summit: 1 day / 30 minutes (from jump-off point directly to Kulis peak)
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 2/9, Trail class 1-3
How to budget time to hop-in from one attraction to another: Noah's Ark (30 minutes from jump-off point); then to Sambong Peak of 629 MASL (35 minutes from Noah's Ark); Giant Spider Cobweb attraction (15 minutes from Sambong Peak); Mang Cardo's house where Kulis Peak is located (10 minutes from Giant Spider Cobweb); Jump-off point (30 minutes from Kulis Peak);  Spider Hanging Bridge (50 minutes from jump-off point); Lion House Water Falls (25 minutes from Spider Hanging Bridge).  There is for hire 4 x4 vehicle available from jump-off to Kulis and Sambong Peaks.

Blogspot link: Mount Kulis

90.  Mount Igcuron

Location: Valderrama, Antique, Philippines
Entry point: Brgy. Binanugan, Valderrama, Antique
Exit point: Brgy. Binanugan, Valderrama, Antique
Elevation: 574 MASL (1,883.2 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit:1 day / 2 – 2 1/2 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 4/9, Trail Class 1-2
Features: Mostly open trails and a few covered forest trail for the first 30 minutes trek, with-low elevation water falls, few rice terraces along the trail, spectacular campsite, 2 peaks at the summit along knife edge trail. Campsite adjacent to Mount Igduao.  The summit offers a 360 degrees panoramic view overlooking Cangaranan River, Valderrama town, Mount Tigbararing, Mount Igduao and its adjacent villages.

Youtube link:  Mount Igcurong

91. Mount Bandilaan

Location:  Municipality of Siquijor, Siquijor Island, Philippines
Major jumpoff:  Brgy. Canghunoghunog, Siquijor, Siquijor
Elevation: 557 MASL(1,827 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day / 2-3 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 2/9, Trail class 1-3
Features: Mount Bandilaan is the highest peak of the island of Siquijor which is in itself a national park. It has a rich endemic fauna and flora where on its way includes the Cantabon Cave, The Way of the Cross, Shrine of the Lady of Lourdes, five natureal springs, a butterfly sanctuary.  It is overlooking the entire island of Siquijor.  On its jump-off point are stores of potions and oils, healing amulets, charms, necklaces which are believed to protect you from the evil spirits. 

You might be interested to know the places of interest.  Just check it at Siquijor Island Tourist destinations

92.  Mount Bungkol Baka

A refreshing morning fresh from my tent at the summit of Mount Bungkol Baka

Location: San Jose, Tarlac, Philippines
Major jumpoff: Sitio San Pedro, Brgy. Iba, San Jose, Tarlac
Elevation: 551 MASL(1,802 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day / 3-4 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 3/9, Trail class 1-3
Features: Trails is consist of river crossings, grazing and farming lands, pass through the ethnic tribe of Abeling people who are mistaken to be Aetas, too. The summit is a 360 panoramic view of the neighboring mountains.
Blogspot link: Mount Bungkol Baka Climb

Nalayag Rocks  (Just an optional trek heading to the Mount Masalakot summit)

Death-defying ascent to Nalayag Rock Monolith

Location: Lobo,Batangas, Philippines
Major jumpoff: Sitio Maligaya and Sitio Punas, Lobo, Batangas
Alternate trail: Sitio Langkaan, Brgy. Balibago Lobo, Batangas
Elevation: 550+ MASL - Unverified (1,805+ feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day / 3-4 hours
Specs: Minor, Difficulty 4/9, Trail class 1-3 with monolith climbing (optional)
Features: Consist of trails ranging from rough road, farm lands, forested area, steep ascent towards Nalayag Rock formation. Nalayag is just a part of Mount Salakot which is 650+ MASL (unverified) in elevation which I did not scale.

Location:  Pilar, Bataan, Philippines
Jump-off Point: Brgy. Diwa, Pilar
Elevation: 545 MASL (1,788 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day /  1 hour
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 1/9, Trail class1, historical trail
Features:  It is the site where the Dambana ng Kagitingan is erected and it can be reached thru a vehicle and  there is no need to trek.

94. Mount Gulugod Baboy

Captivating sunrise at the summit of Mount Gulugod Baboy

Location: Anilao, Mabini, Batangas, Philippines
Jump-off point: Philpan Dive Resort, Anilao, Mabini
Elevation: 525 MASL (1,722 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: Half-day / 1-2 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 2/9, Trail class 1-2
Features: Scenic views of Batangas Bay and Balayan Bay

95. Mount Hapunang Banoi

Breathing the soothing wind at the summit of Mount Hapunang Banoi

Location: Rodriguez, Rizal, Philippines
Major jumpoff: Brgy. Wawa, Rodriguez, Rizal
Elevation: 517 MASL (1,696 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day / 2-3.5 hours
Specs: Minor, Difficulty 4/9, Trail class 1-4 with limestone scrambling
Features: Limestone formations, scenic views of Sierra Madre and Rizal province. Rocky trails are longer compared to Mount Pamitinan which shares a common jump-off point.
Blogspot link: Mount Hapunang Banoi Climb

96.  Mount Mab-o

Location: Pandan, Antique, Philippines
Entry point: Brgy. Mag-aba, Pandan, Antique
Exit point: Brgy.Mag-aba, Pandan, Antique
Elevation: 475 MASL (1,558.4 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit:1 day / 2 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 4/9, Trail Class 1-3
Features: The highest peak of the municipality of Pandan nestled in a rain forest  area of the Northwest Panay Peninsula Natural Park with parts where bouldering is required.  Pandan Bay is totally captured on its peak. Cardiac assaults is evident where massive boulders exist leading to the peak.

Youtube link:   Mount Igmatongtong

97.  Mount Espadang Bato

Location: Rodriguez (Montalban), Rizal, Philippines
Jump-off Point:  Sitio Dambang, Barangay Mascap, Rodriguez (Montalban), Rizal
Exit Point:  Mascap Proper 1, Barangay Mascap, Rodriguez (Montalban), Rizal
Elevation: 455 MASL (1,493 feet)
Hours to Summit/Days Required: 4 hours (if coming from jump-off point via Ayaas/ 1 day
Specs: Minor Climb; Difficulty - 3/9; Trail Class 1-3
Features:  From a junction heading to its summit is an-all steep assault (equipped with a thick rubber hand support to the summit) of 30 – 45 minutes covered with forest but the trail is mostly sharp rocks and limestone formations with other trails equipped with wooden stairs. Its summit has a tall limestone formation towering to approximately 20 meters which is an icon of this mountain in the social media. It is highly recommended to have this mountain as a part of Mascap Dayhike Trilogy with two other mountains as Ayaas and Sipit Ulang. 

98. Mount Mabilog

Our group descending the summit of Mount Mabilog with one of the 7 lakes of San Pablo, Laguna is in the background

Location: San Pablo and Nagcarlan, Laguna, Philippines
Major jumpoff: Purok 3 (Sandig), Brgy. Sta. Catalina, San Pablo
Alternate jumpoffs: (1) Brgy. Sulsuguin, Nagcarlan and (2) Lake Pandin, Brgy. Sto. Angel, San Pablo
Elevation: 441 MASL (1,447 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day / 2-3 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 2/9, Trail class 1-3
Features: An expansive view of the Southern Tagalog mountains and lakes
Blogspot link: It included in the San Pablo-Liliw-Nagcarlan-Lucban 2-Day Trip

99. Mount Tagapo

The trail leading to the summit of Mount Tagapo

Location: Talim Island, Laguna de Bay
Major jump-off: Brgy. Janosa (Talim Island) Binangonan, Rizal
Elevation: 438 MASL (1,437 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day / 2 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 2/9, Trail class 1-2
Features: It is forested from the jump-off point to its midpoint and from its shoulder to the summit is already open with only cogon grass as a dominant vegetation.
Blogspot link: Mount Tagapo Climb

100. Mount Pamitinan

Braving the heights of Peak 3 of Mount Pamitinan

Location: Barangay Wawa, Rodriguez, Rizal, Philippines
Jumpoff Point: Brgy. Wawa, Rodriguez, Rizal
Elevation: 426 MASL (1,398 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day / 2-3 hours
Specs: Minor, Difficulty 3/9 / Trail class 1-4
Features: The first half of trail is forested while the rest are rocky trails with sharp edges, limestone formations, scenic views of Sierra Madre mountain ranges
Blogspot link: Mount Pamitinan Climb

101. Mount Binacayan

Viewing the neighboring mountains of Mount Binacayan on its summit

Location: Brgy. Wawa, Rodriguez, Rizal, Philippines
Major jumpoff: Brgy. Wawa, Rodriguez, Rizal
Elevation: 424 MASL (1,391 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day / 2-3 hours
Specs: Minor, Difficulty 3/9 / Trail class 1-4
Features: Limestone formations, scenic views of Sierra Madre and Rizal province. Rocks are sharp that when you seat on it, it will pierce your skin.
Blogspot link: Mount Binacayan Climb

102. Mount Marami

Victoriously seated at the Silyang Bato of Mount Marami

Location: Maragondon, Cavite, Philippines
Jump-off point: Sitio Bangkaan, Brgy. Talipusngo, Maragondon, Cavite
Alternate jumpoff: Brgy.Ramirez, Magallanes, Cavite
Elevation: 405 MASL (1,328 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1-2 days / 2-3 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 3/9, Trail class 1-3
Features: Rocky outcrops, scenic views of Cavite including bird's eye view of Pico de Loro or Mount Palay-Palay
Blogspot link: Mount Marami Climb

103. Bud Bongao

All trails are concrete stairs from jump-off point to summit and other viewdecks

The first view deck 

Overlooking Bongao town and its neighboring town at the summit

The third view deck coming from the summit first

Location: Bongao, Tawi-Tawi, Philippines
Major jump-off: Barangay Pasiagan, Bongao
Elevation: Tambisan Peak - 314 MASL (1,030 feet); Sibutu Peak - 342 MASL (1,122 feet)(
Days required / Hours to summit: Half-day / 2 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 2/9, Trail class 2
Features: It is within the 250-hectare dense forest of Bongao Peak Eco-Tourism Park with a 3,608-step cobblestone trail in some parts inhabited with the wild long-tailed Macaque monkeys. The mountain itself is formed by 6 massive vertical limestone cliffs which represents its 6 peaks.  It has a communication tower near the summit.  It has three viewdecks including the one at the summit.  So far, this is the most developed mountain in terms of trail because all its trail is consist of cobblestone from jump-off point to summit.

Blogspot link: Bud Bongao Climb

   Taal Volcano (not a mountain)

Location: Talisay and San Nicolas, Batangas, Philippines
Major jump-off:  Talisay boarding a boat to Taal (Pulo) for Regular Trail (Daang Kastila Trail) for 20 minutes boat ride.   Other trails are: Alas-as and Calauit Trail (using boat transport)
Elevation: 311 MASL (1,020 feet)
Days required / Hours to Summit:  1day/ 1.5 hours (Alternatively a horseback  riding is available)
Note:  It is better to avail guided tours with transport from Manila to the crater and back
Specs:  Minor climb, Difficulty 1/9, Trail Class 1
Features:  Open, dusty,  dry  massive rock trails; overlooking entire Taal Lake

104.  Mount Sipit Ulang

Location: Rodriguez (Montalban), Rizal, Philippines
Jump-off Point:  Sitio Dambana, Barangay Mascap, Rodriguez (Montalban), Rizal
Exit Point:  Mascap Proper 1, Barangay Mascap, Rodriguez (Montalban), Rizal
Elevation: 240 MASL (787 feet)
Hours to Summit/Days Required: 5 hours (from Sitio Dambana via Ayaas & Espadang Bato) / 1 day
Specs: Minor Climb; Difficulty - 3/9; Trail Cass 1-3 
Features:  From Mount Espadang Bato junction is a rolling trail of 15 minutes with minimal gradual ascents and descents except from its junction heading to the summit is an all-assault of 20-40 minutes covered with bamboo forest and other endemic trees with the trail mostly covered with sharp rocks and a couple of massive limestone rock formations.  Its summit is a limestone formation which resembles to a crab's claw, hence, its name was derived with.  This rock formation is the iconic symbol of this mountain in the social media.  It is highly recommended to have this mountain as a part of Mascap Dayhike Trilogy with two other mountains as Ayaas and Espadang Bato.

  Corregidor Island Highest Peak (Not a mountain)

The lighthouse erected at the Topside point of the island

Location:  Topside, Corregidor Island, Cavite, Philippines
Jump-off point:  Lorcha Dock, Barrio San Jose, Bottomside 
Elevation: 180 MASL (591 feet)
Days required /  Hours to Summit:  1 day / 1.5 hours (3.6 kilometers from the jump-off point)
Specs:  Minor climb,  Difficulty 1/9,  Trail class 1
Features:  Flat ascending trails, overlooking the coasts of nearby Bataan province and the surrounding scenic Manila Bay.  From the Lorcha Dock the trail is going up along Ramsay-Ravine Road, passing thru Ramsay Ravine, Middle Side Barracks, Hospital, Corregidor Island Hotel & Resort and Battery Way.

Mount Caglago (The Home to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary) - Just a hill

Location:  Caramoan, Camarines Sur, Bicol Region, Philippines
Jump-off point: Brgy. Tagbon, Caramoan, Camarines Sur
Elevation: 176 MASL (577 feet)
Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day /1.2 hours
Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 1/9, Trail Class 1
Features:  Overlooking the scenic view of Maqueda Channel dotted with tropical islands/islets of Caramoan; with the 26-foot image of the Shrine of our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary: Our Lady of Peace which serves as a pilgrim site; a chapel where holy masses are held; and the 530 concrete stairs are accessible from its jump-off point to the mountain's shoulder

You might consider these links for more details and side trips in Caramoan: