
Monday, December 26, 2016


Location: Barangay Bambang, Nagcarlan, Laguna, Philippines

Note: This is a part of my 2-day Pandin-Yambu twin-lake tour, Liliw shopping spree and food trip, attending holy mass at Liliw Church, overnight at Liliw Resort, religious visit to Nagcarlan Church and historic tour to Nagcarlan Underground Cemetery.

The 171-year old Nagcarlan Underground Cemetery

This landmark is truly a gem of Nagcarlan as it has its own charm and mysticism. While Camiguin de Mindanao has its Sunken Cemetery as one of its historical and cultural tourist destinations, this one is another kind of its own. Truly this one has a significant historical value to the people of Laguna or even to the Philippines as a whole as it has been encrypted as one of the national historical landmarks and museums by the National Historical Commission of the Philippines.

The Nagcarlan Residencia or Municipal Hall

Boarding a jeepney from Nagcarlan Church for 5 minutes bound for San Pablo City, we passed by first the Nagcarlan Municipal Hall and finally after almost a minute, we were infront of the Nagcarlan Underground Cemetery. By the way, the cemetery is owned by the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Pablo.

The imposing facade of the cemetery

I was in complete awe as I approached the grandiose gate of the cemetery. It was obviously reminiscent of an Spanish influence by just looking at its architectural design. I was like entering the interior gate of Fort Santiago, but this one is so evergreen and spacious. The skies was so clear and very welcoming of my arrival. Everything just seemed to be perfect. The blending of colors of the skies, the clouds, the grass and architectural design just perfectly blend to the delight of my camera and my senses as well.

The long passage red brick ramp

And yes, getting inside the cemetery is a long walk through a red brick aisles to finally enter into a small chapel where it houses the underground cemetery. I can't resist then to stop and capture some picturesque angles. I really did not regret that I dropped by here. It was completely an astonishing experience to be here.

The chapel's facade of the underground cemetery

Inside the chapel, I learned from the assisting staff that this landmark opens at 8:00 A.M. and closes at 5:00 P.M. from Tuesdays to Sunday. As far as I can remember, I did not pay for any entrance fee. However, guests are encouraged to give donation for the maintenance of the museum.

The Image of Santo Intierro (Jesus dead body)

Inside the chapel is the holy image of Santo Intierro, the holy dead body of Jesus Christ as commemorated every Good Friday of the Holy Week celebrations.

Part of the underground cemetery

It was surprising that I got good photos while at the underground. The walls seemed to be luminous and it gave a good effect as the camera captures every single photo.

Staying longer at the underground

Our company of four was not complete when we went underground. Only Jessie Gines accompanied me down there. The rest just did not want to go down as they felt scared to go down while I was not. I was left alone by Jessie after we both took shots alternatively.

The last 8 concrete stairs leading down to the underground cemetery

Not many like to go down to the underground. To those visitors I had a chat, they said, the place is entwined with so much mystery and it gave them an eerie feeling being down there. But for me, it was an opportunity to experience the place as if I am travelling back in time.

While I was leaving the place

I still wanted to stay longer but I need to be back in Manila just timely for a professional appointment. But really, I have fallen for the place. It was just like a nostalgic journey and I really got hooked into a deep connection of the Spanish colonial past.

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