This is a part of my Anawangin Cove-Capones Island March 19-22, 2008 Holy Week Outing. The tour is just an overnight covering March 21-22, 2008. Capones is just a 25-minute boat travel from Anawangin Cove or 30-minute boat travel from Pundakit Beach of San Antonio mainland, Zambales. How can I forget my Capones Island overnight stay when I was so scared that only Rome Frias and I had camped in the island. We thought then that a lot of backpackers stay there for an overnight as a lot of the campers in Anawangin Cove had most of us desired to cross to the island to enjoy its scenery. Our boat dropped us on the other side of the island at 10:40 A.M. and had to trek for more then 30 minutes along the rocky beach line leading to the scenic Capones Lighthouse. We instructed our chartered boat man to pick us up the following day the same time and he did not tell us that nobody really stay there for an overnight. It was full moon then and the air was so crisp and chilling. The huge full moon was over us and bats were so noisy as if signaling us that witches were very much around. Rome and I had to pray the Holy Rosary aloud. However, the most rewarding was when we experienced both the sunset and sunrise just in the site where we camped and we had a sumptuous dinner. That night, I thought, ghosts and monsters would come to devour us. In fact, I sent text messages to all my family and friends telling them that I was in danger and told them I was camping in the island with only Rome Frias was my companion and any moment our lives would be in danger. The following day, when we asked our boatman, he told us that nobody dares to stay overnight in the island since some of the first to try had experienced haunting nights.