Telephone No.: (074) 447-3690 local 6620
Note: This is a part of my solo January 1-3, 2016 Baguio trip where it includes the following: Camp John Hay, University of the Cordilleras, Baguio Museum, University of the Philippines Baguio Campus, Tam-awan Village, Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto, The Mansion, Mines View Park, Baguio Botanical Garden, Wright Park, Dominical Hill and Retreat House, Our Lady of Atonement (Baguio Cathedral) and Burnham Park.
As a background, Philippine Military Academy (PMA) is a 373-hectare campus considered premier military institution of the country and is the training ground for future officers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines as created thru the virtue of Commonwealth Act № 1 or the National Defense Act which was enacted on December 21, 1936. It was modeled after the United States Military Academy with officers from the Philippine Scouts and regular United States Army as instructors and members of the general staff.
Whenever I visit PMA, I usually start it from the main gate and just have a walk going to the main campus. It is really a long walk from there but once you do it, you will be amazed of how the camp has been conceptualized and planned. In terms of facilities, it is complete by itself. In this recent visit, my documentation was so comprehensive as it is so detailed, and let me narrate it one by one.
That's the main gate. Public Utility Jeep (PUJ) with a route from Burhnam Park-PMA usually transport their passengers to the main campus where the jeep terminal is located but I opted to go down and started my documentation right in front of the main gate.
This is just a few meters from the main gate and this road is an approach going uphill further. Yes, indeed! the first monument that greets visitors when they enter PMA is that of Gen Gregorio Del Pilar Monument.
On 23 October 2004, The Cavaliers Park is also known as the Philippine-American Memorial Project which was officially launched on October 23, 2004 where it has a length of 0.12 Kilometer. Its groundbreaking rites and the laying of a time capsule was led by PMA Alumni Association Chairman Commodore Carlos Agustin, USNAPHIL President Congressman Roilo Golez, and WPSP President Ambassador Joey Syjuco Jr.
Dimalupig Park showcases and explains the four distinct classes of the student body of the Philippine Military Academy which is officially called the Cadet Corps Armed Forces of the Philippines (CCAFP) and it is composed of the four distinct classes:
1. First Class Cadets
They are the ruling class and as such they occupy the major positions of responsibility in the cadet chain of command. They are designated the chairmen and cadet-in-charge of the various committees, clubs and corps squads. They also enjoy certain privileges peculiar only to the "firsties." Their academics are also more specialized as they now embark on the final year of their training for future officership in the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
2. Second Class Cadets
Second class Cadets are also called the "cows." The second class year marks the point at which the cadet starts to specialize according to the branch of service he or she has elected to join. Thus, the second class cadets no longer take the same subjects as each of his or her classmates but they now take different subjects depending on their branches of service and fields of specialization. Within the cadet chain of command, the second class cadets now act as squad leaders. Moreover, in the absence of the first class cadets, they take over the responsibility of running the Cadet Corps.
3. Third Class Cadets
The life of thirdclass cadets, sophomores in civilian universities, and called the "yearlings" in the Academy, starts upon completion of fourth class year. During this period, the yearling adjusts to life as an upper class cadet. Although they are the least ranking of the upperclass cadets, they are now entitled to the privileges of being upper class cadets. One of their responsibilities is being a "buddy" to a plebe. As buddies, they set the examples of how a cadet should behave and they are responsible for ensuring that the plebes conform with the standards of cadetship.
4. Fourth Class Cadets
The fourth class cadets are the first year students. In the Academy, they are traditionally called "plebes" and are the equivalent of the college freshmen in civilian universities. The first day of plebehood starts with the Reception Ceremonies on April 1 of each year. Then, they undergo an eight week summer training or "beast barracks" during which time they are indoctrinated with the military and cadet systems of training. During this period, the plebes form the New Cadet Battalion and their training is handled by the tactical officers and upper class cadets forming the "Plebe Detail." After the beast barracks, the plebes are formally accepted into the ranks of the Cadet Corps in another ceremony called Incorporation which is held during the last week of May.
I had a chance to interview a certain cadet and the picture above has its own name. I just cannot find my notes which I wrote out from that interview I made. No websites can answer my query. I will just go back there and conduct again another interview related to my concern.

The photo above was captured from PMA Official Website, since during my visit, this part of the Campus was under renovation and nothing can be seen on it.
This hall is just adjacent to the campus canteen and a sort of bazaar where visitors and cadets alike can buy their food and other necessities. This is just a block away from the PMA Museum.
A fee of P50 is charge for guests and visitors to enter this camp's museum with rich collections of PMA's history, its founders, key figures and other memorabilia.
A. By Public Transport
1. Manila to Baguio City
There are a few bus companies with Manila-Baguio route for at least 26 times trips in a day where Victory Liner is one where as of this writing the fare rate is P445 one-way. You may find this link useful for your on-line booking reservation. The number of trips in a day may increase during peak seasons. This land travel has a duration of 5-6 hours most particularly in a night travel. Nowadays, this travel time has been decreased due to accessibility given by the SCTEX and the new highway opened.
2. Baguio City Proper to Fort Del Pilar
Get a jeepney ride just adjacent to the Igorot Garden at the Burnham Park almost facing the Veniz Hotel with a signboard of PMA/Loakan for a rate of P18 (one-way) as of this writing. It is better to ask because this terminal caters to numerous routes going outside the city proper. Under a regular condition with less traffic, this road travel will you a minimum of 25 minutes. Ask the driver if he will get inside PMA since other jeepneys will just drop you at the main gate of PMA. Going back from PMA Campus to Baguio City proper, there are jeepneys inside the campus which will take you back to its Igorot Gardent jeepney terminal.
B. By Private Vehicle
Note: This advisory has been adapted from Out of Town Blog which reduces the travel time from 4 to 5 hours.
1. Drive through NLEX.
2. Take Exit 85 right into SCTEX.
3. Transfer to the right lane and drive to Baguio via Tarlac.
4. Take the Tarlac exit and follow the road signs that will take you to MacArthur Highway.
5. Once you’re on MacArthur Highway, drive straight to Tarlac and Pangasinan until you reach Rosario, La Union.
6. From the Rosario junction, you can turn right into famous Kennon Road. This is the most popular and scenic route up Baguio City.
7. If you prefer the wider lanes of Marcos Highway, drive further into Rosario and turn right towards the new entrance.
Accommodation in Baguio varies from transient houses, house-for-rent, dorms, inns and hotels ranging from budget to luxury ones. This link can be useful in your search for comfortable accommodation.
Teachers can rent in Teachers Camp for as low as P120 a day if they have a government issued Identification Cards. It is a must to reserve for accommodation during peak season