This trip is dated April 24-25, 2010 in Anawangin Cove and Capones Island of Zambales. This is my second time to be in this beautiful destination wherein the first of which was in March 2008. Anawangin is a good place to unwind since there are no facilities there including the electricity. Only comfort and bath rooms with a supply of deep well water supply are there and the rest will be provided by the guests including the tent, stoves and drinking water. Thus, mountaineers like me, really like the place. The beauty of the cove is relaxing, inviting and gives an aura of goodness to everyone in the place. Thus, all the people there become nice and willing to be of help. One can leave all his belongings and enjoy a swim without being stolen. The place is not commercialized except for the boatmen who charge affordable boat transportation though I noticed that there are already two shops offering souvenirs and a tattoo shop and the rest is all but nature.
This time, we were ten in this trip, namely: Daddy Jay and Mommy Jousie Noscal; Judy Aguinaldo; Avelina Tan and her children: Janina Clare and Leland Robinson; Angel Cruel; Lina Hombrebueno; Mona Bayoging and me. Mommy Jousie, Judy, Avelina, Angel, Lina and Mona are my batchmates in PNU SPED Practicum in P. Burgos Elementary School in Altura, Sta. Mesa, Manila. It was an overnight stay in Anawangin. Mona and I ascended to Anawangin viewdeck which is around 750 feet above see level overlooking the whole stretch of the white-sand cove as well as the picturesque stream which empties to the cove. The following day, we headed to Capones Island and since the waves were quite turbulent, we have to dock in the beach front instead in the harbour front. Thus, Mona and I, had trekked for barely two hours (back and forth) to Capones Lighthouse. Trekking we made was a mix of rock scrambling along the rocky shores and sand trekking of which the later is more exhausting the former is risky since most of the rocks are slippery and one false move will lead one to the Hands of Our Mighty Creator.
This trip is quite memorable as we had much quality time for bonding and getting to know well each other.