Jump-off points: Kayapa, N. Vizcaya; Brgy. Tinongdan, Itogon, Benguet
LLA: 16.31916°N, 120.80166°E, 2150 MASL (7,054 feet)
Days required / hours to summit: 2-3 days, 9-10 hrs
Specs: Major climb, Difficulty 5/9, Trail Class 1-3
Distinctive features: Pine forests, highland villages, views of Cordillera peaks

I had two climbs in Mount Ugo dated June 4-6, 1999 and November 1-4, 2006 both under PNB Mountaineering Club. Like the Mt. Napulawan Climb, Mt. Ugo offers a very refreshing and cold climate and this is located in Itogon, Benguet which was my second major climb. The first climb of the mountain marked the 9th anniversary of PNB Mountaineering Club. Mt. Ugo’s peak of 7,400 feet, is considered the highest of the Cordillera Mountain Ranges which covers partly of Nueva Vizcaya and Benguet, Mountain Province.

Mount Ugo is the highest peak in a chain of mountain ranges with an elevation of 2,150 meters above sea level or 7,052 feet. It is located in the boundaries of the provinces of Nueva Vizcaya and Benguet. Its name was derived from the Ibaloi word “Ugoan” which means “to cut the neck of throat”. It was discovered as one of the most favorite mountains to scale by the mountaineers when there was a tragic PAL plane crash in 1987 just few meters below its peak. Some professional mountaineers then volunteered to accompany the bereaved families of the plane crash victims with the assistance of the local guides in visiting the site for memorial activities. As such, its cool climate, unique scenery and flora had enticed some other mountaineers to experience scaling the mountain. PNB MC being a close ally to PALMC thru our very dear friend, Mr. Romy Antonio had shared scaling this majestic mountain as early as 1996 and by then became one of the most favorite peaks for induction climbs.

The second climb Mount Ugo dated November 1-4, 2006 was perfect since we were lucky to have a good weather. It was my only major climb for the year 2006 after my 11-month Qatar Work Tavel. 12 of the 13 pictures here were all from the second climb. The climb is consisting of 19 participants with six inductees and three guests. The jump-off point was in Kayapa, Nueva Vizcaya where we boarded a bus from Manila and we descended to Brgy. Tinongdan of Itogon, Benguet.

We had our chartered airconditioned bus which fetched us all in PNB Financial Center at almost 11:00 P.M. We were consist of 42 participants broken down into 33 regular members, 7 initiates and 2 guests. The members were: (1) Jose Enrique “Ike” S. Abad of PNB IT Group; (2) Johanna “Hannah” C. Acuna of Allied Bank – Head Office; (3) Rodante “Dante” D. Adajar of PNB PAIRD; (4) Sandy A. Alhambra of PNB Trust Division; (5) Noemi O. Amador of Allied Bank – Head Office; (6) Laudimer “Omel” G. Arandia of Blue Chips Management Corporation; (7) Maricris “Chris” B. Ballon of Allied Bank – Divisoria Branch; (8) Juanito “Jhun” C. Banela of CIBI; (9) Brenda B. Bernabe of Aztec Philippines Corporation.; (10) Policarpo Gregorio Osmundo “Ding” N. Capunitan; (11) Elmer C. Daus of PNB Office of SVP Ma. Cristina G. Munoz; (12) Ma. Salome “Sally” A. de la Cruz of Peoples Insurance; (13) Noel “Wewel” N. Dollentas of PNB Economics & Research Division; (14) Mary Jane “Jing” V. Gumba of Bank of Commerce – Head Office; (15) Norita “Norie” R. Jacala of PNB Cable Division; (16) Janet T. Lazarte of PNB GSD Accounting; (17) Manuel “Manny” I. Llesol of PNB Personnel Human Resource Policies and Planning Division; (18) Edmundo “Edu” C. Llondres of PNB SAAD; (19) Fidel O. Mendoza of PNB GSD; (20) Alvin J. Pascual of PNB Office of SVP Leopoldo A. Manuel; (21) Severo “Roy” Y. Pison IV of PNB Economics & Research Division; (22) Joseph “Jinky” G. Quiray of Peoples Insurance; (23) Sandra S. Reyes of PNB Trust Division; (24) Fortunato “Bong” C. Rosales of Pardee Computer; (25) Elino “Jun” Q. Sorquia, Jr. ; (26) Antonio “Tony” P. Sundiang of Tradecom Asia Pacific Gorporation and former PNB SVP of Trust Division; (27) Belinda Fatima C. Tan of Peoples Insurance; (28) Alan A. Valenzuela of Peoples Insurance; (29) Victor C. Victorino of CIBI; (30) Rolando “Rolly” O. Villanueva – PNB MC President and expidition leader; (31) Alberto “Abet” M. Zapanta, Jr. of PNB Reengineering Division; and (32) I.

On the otherhand, our initiates were: (1) Genevic “Gene” B. Baria of Angelus Medical Center; (2) Alona C. Beliganio of Belkin Management Consultancy Phils., Inc.; (3) Raymund “Mon” S. Crisol of Allied Bank – Aguirre Branch; (4) Erwin C. de la Cruz of Angelus; (5) Pompei Lopez; (6) Ma. Jeannie T. Mendoza of Allied Bank – Monumento Branch; (7) Norberto “Abat” Miranda, Jr.; and (8) Renato “Ren” S. Solinap of PNB International Eximbills Processing Division. There were two guest climbers, namely: (1) Ma. Concepcion of PNB Personnel Human Resource Policies & Planning Division, and (2) Ma. Consuelo “Connie” T. Vasquez of Alsons Cement Corporation. I considered this as my worst climb since there was a typhoon which started in the late afternoon of Day One until we reached the jump-off point.

It is refreshing to walk along the shades of pine trees.